Wednesday, February 25, 2015

al-Shabab mall plot attack in US, Canada & Great Britain, DHS, Etc...

Well al-Shabab has now threatened to attack malls in the United States, Canada and Great Britain.  They were the same ones who attacked the Westgate Mall in Kenya in September 2013 while I was editing my first novel "Black Friday" which was a plot about terrorist attacks at malls on the day after Thanksgiving.  Now this scenario could play out in real life.  Although there are concerns about lone wolf attacks this time around, the Westgate Mall terrorists operated a store at the said mall.  They were able to smuggle their weapons into the mall in this manner.  I shudder even saying this but this attack could occur a lot sooner than we think.  The threat of Bin Laden attacking the U.S. was first announced in the summer of 2001 only weeks before the 9/11 attacks took place.  Also the Air India hijacking of 1999 was ultimately a practice run for the 9/11 attacks.  The hijackers back then used box cutters as weapons like the September 11th hijackers.  The timing between this threat and the DHS shutdown that could take place Friday is suspicious to put it mildly.  

     This Friday the DHS could be a victim of being cut off of its funding.  This means that nonessential work will cease.  Also the funding of the Department of Homeland Security will be greatly curtailed as a result.  What a sickening time for al-Shabab to strike.  In speaking of DHS, they have recently admitted to blind spots in the War on Terror.  Not for anything, but the DHS having admitted to blind spots while fighting the War on Terror. The DHS is supposed to be on top of the latest terror threats and potential ones not missing things along the way.  It was the failure to connect the dots that led to the September 11, 2001 attacks and re subsequent creation of the Department of Homeland Security.  Talk about the possibility of history once again repeating itself.  What have we really learned from this? NOTHING by the way that this could be heading in.  

     In other DHS news, they claim that right wing extremist groups pose a greater threat than ISIS.  Well it was once thought that homegrown militia groups were once considered to be a greater threat than terror groups such as al-Qaeda in the years leading up to 9/11.  We all known what happened the last time around. Another example of history repeating itself in the making.  This doesn't mean that we shouldn't ignire the extremist right wing threat.  It must be researched and preparations must be made to stop them.  Obviously ISIS is the much greater threat.  I shudder to think that we pushed ISIS aside to combat right wing extremist groups only for ISIS to attack us once again. just recently posted an article about five terrorist groups who are getting more brazen when it comes to terrorism.  The groups on the list are al-Shabab, al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, ISIS and the Taliban.  Although the five are acting separately according to the CNN website (it's also what the five groups would like everyone to believe), well they're playing us like a game of chess. They're obviously one and the same group.  They're answering bin Laden's call to confuse us every chance they have.  Boko Haram and ISIS have talked about a recent merger and it looks like it was only for show.  They've been one and the same group like the Taliban, al-Qaeda and al-Shabab.  The sad part is it's going to come out that they pretended to be different groups when they band together to strike us and the other Western nations once again.

     It sickens me tht I have to give a disertation on the events of the past few days as well as my take on events, but someone's got to do something to warn the public.  Stay tuned for my next blog.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Kayla Mueller, Mutah al-Kasaesbeh and Charlie Hebdo

     It has been a while since my last post. I hope everyone's holiday and new year's went well. I spent some of my time away writing and finishing Gladio which was my NaNoWriMo aka National Novel Writer's Month. I took off December from writing.  Now I'm back working on a few novels.  However enough on that.  

     2015 has become an ominous year in the War on Terrorism. Between the Charlie Hebdo and the subsequent attacks in Paris, the kidnapping and beheading of Japanese journalist Goto, the burning of Jordanian hostage fighter pilot Mutah al-Kasaesbeh and now the alleged death of Kayla Mueller by US air strikes.  

  First I would like to sound off on the Charlie Hebdo shooting in Paris.  ISIS terrorists shot up a French newspaper because of the depiction of the Prophet Mohammad in an improper manner according to Islam.  Do kill people when a improper portrait of Jesus is made? No! Therefore Moslems shouldn't be going around and killing people when their Prophet is depicted in an inappropriate manner according to their faith.  Then the subsequent hostage takings two days later where a Jewish market and another business were taken hostage.  The terrorist at the Kosher market demanded that the two gunmen who killed people at Charlie Hebdo and are now holding a hostage at a printing business were to be freed at once.  Then came the simultaneous rescue by French commandos where both crisis came to an end.  However there are still Islamists in Frnace waiting to strike again.  All this was due to French colonialism in Algeria and the Levant.  I highly recommend seeing the movie The Battle of Algiers to better understand why the attacks of last month took place.

     That said, this blog now shifts to ISIS territory in Iraq and Syria.  Japanese journalist Goto was executed since Japan didn't pay a ransom for the release of him and a fellow Japanese hostage.  Japan's Prime Minister was in the region when this happened.  Later Goto was executed.  This coming around the same time as Mutah al-Kasaesbeh a Jordanian pilot was executed by being burned in a cage by ISIS.  Since then Jordan executed all 55 ISIS terrorists that they have imprisoned along with getting into the war against ISIS.  What would it take for the U.S. to go at ISIS in a similar manner? Another 9/11 like attack?  It seems that the death of Kayla Mueller hasn't waken up the government to act swiftly and harshly.  ISIS claims that Kayla Mueller was killed in a U.S. air strike. Hasn't it occurred to anyone that she may have been executed before the air strike and ISIS is claiming her death by US air strike as a psychological ploy to make the U.S. feel guilty and divide this nation?  That was my first and only reaction since the news of her death was first released.  ISIS has lied before.  We must keep this in mind before believing that Kayla Mueller was killed in the air strike.  ISIS thrives on misinformation so wouldn't it be another shocker if ISIS, al-Qaeda and al-Shabab were not three different terrorist groups but one and the same in order to play another psychological ploy on the rest of the world.  I put nothing past them and I mean NOTHING.  Now we must be on the look out for ISIS attacks throughout Europe, the U.S. and Israel.  We need to fight ISIS in a manner that Jordan has since the execution of al-Kasaesbeh which ratcheted up e brutality of ISIS by several decibels,  it could set a precedent for future and even more barbaric ISIS/al-Qaeda/al-Shabab attacks.