Friday, March 27, 2015

Musings of an Author: Finished novels, Bergdahl, China and the like

It looks like March Madness now has a whole new meaning.  How many authors can say that they have finished two different novels that they have been working on for quite a while?  I guess that I'm now in what is probably an elite group of sorts.  Earlier this month I finished writing Times Square and this past Wednesday night I finished writi Red Threat.  Both are intriguing possibilities for entrance into the Kindle Scout Contest by Amazon.  Now it looks like a third novel could be in the mix by the end of April if not sooner.  The novel in question is Bear, Crescent, Dragon, Eagle, Star of David (working title).  Translation, Russia, ISIS, China, U.S.A., Israel.  This will be my Camp NaNoWriMo entry that will be written during April 2015.  I wasn't going to do any more Camp NaNoWriMo events but I decided to try it again.  After finishing Cyber Monday for the July 2013 Camp NaNoWriMo, My luck has been bad when it comes to writing during the Camp events since.  Essentially Bear, Crescent, Dragon, Eagle, Star of David will be about a Russian President who is on the brink of restoring Soviet glory until he meets considerable opposition from a group of rivals.  After reclaiming the Ukraine, Crimea, and the breakaway regions of the Soviet Union, Russian President Viktor Popov is met with opposition which threatens his presidency.  With that three of his rivals are killed and the others band together in a plot to take him down.  The United States and China are now on high alert over the incidents in Russia.  The leader of the Russian opposition is now rumored to have ties to ISIS which makes the stakes even higher as Israel is now put on heightened alert as well.  Could ISIS have operatives in high governmental positions in Russia and China? Stay tuned and find out.

     A day after finishing Red Heeat, author Keith Thomson released a picture on his Facebook page about an invisibility-capable stealth bomber that the Chinese Ministry of State Security aka China's spy agency uploaded to its Facebook page by accident.  To me this indicates that the Chinese military is trying to be state of the art and may very well aspire to become aggressive in a military manner in the future.

     Bose Bergdahl will now be charged by the military with desertion.  Yes the same Bowe Bergdahl who the U.S. swapped the Taliban Five for his release.  What ever happened to never negotiating with terrorists? Opps the Reagan Administration were hypocrites when it came to that.  First they refuse to negotiate with terrorists and then they swap arms with Iran for American hostages in Beirut.  That in itself was classic grounds for impeachment since it put the United States in harms way.  I am not a Democrat or a Republican when I say this, but I am saying this as an American.  Now President Obama has put the United States in a similar way by freeing five members of theTaliban who may attack us in retaliation for being detained for an Army deserter.  Western Journalism commentator Matt Barber couldn't have put this in a better context when he said "Whether Obama is intentionally trying to overthrow his own government is open for debate.  But that he is 'adhering to [America's] Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort,' is without question."  This could build a case for impeachment.  The release of Abu al-Baghdadi who later became Caliph of ISIS came after al-Baghdadi was help in US custody in 2006.  After he was released al-Baghdadi said "I will see you in New York."  Now you times al-Baghdadi by five and you have the Taliban Five who were released for Private Bergdahl.  Looks like we may be hearing from them in the future.

     I will be closing this post in a very unusual manner.  I wasn't going to discuss this, but I have decided to after all.  Next will be Holy Week for various Christian denominations.  The interesting part of Holy Week this year is that Good Friday falls on April 3.  The significance of this is that Jesus was crucified on Friday April 3, 33AD.  Researchers came to this conclusion after many years of studying this.  Passover will begin Friday April 3 at sundown and end on Saturday April 11 at sundown.  The Passover in 33AD began on Thursday April 2.  In 2015 Passover begins a day later.  To add to this discussion the third Blood Moon begins on Saturday April 4.  Yes the third of four lunar eclipses from April 2014 to September 2015 will be taking place then.  With the recent news events such as ISIS, the United States possibly turning it's back on Israel as well as a book "The Islamic AntiChrist" by Joel Richardson is about how the antiChrist has similar traits in both Christianity and Islam that could make it one and the same shows that things could get very interesting.

     I am someone who refuses to force my religious views on others and before people think that I'm being preachy right now, all I'm doing is making observations.  If anything drastic occurs, I wouldn't be shocked if it occurs during the period of Friday April 3 and Saturday April 4.  There has been a very good chance that others may have made similar observations as well.  I feel that we should be on heightened alert just in case some lone wolf or apolocalyptic cult try's to carry out an attack.  It is our duty as humans to stop such a thing before it occurs.  I hope that I don't have to make a post in the near future regarding a monumental tragedy that took place during the aforementioned period in question.  

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Boko Haram pledges allegiance to ISIS well actually...

Last week when I wrote my last blog entry, the rumored merging of Boko Haram and ISIS had failed to materialize due to the leader of Boko Haram feeling that this would ultimately not be the time for such a union.  Well ten days later he announced that Boko Haram has pledged allegiance to ISIS.  Looks like this so called backing out of the merger a week and a half ago was apparently done for show. I see a trend coming here. All one has to do is to read my previous blog to put two and two together. *gives the reader time to check out my previous blog*. With that said and done Osamam bin Laden ordered his followers before he was killed (or allegedly killed if one is a conspiracy theorist of the highest order) to confuse us every way that they can.  Little did we know that one of the ways to confuse us would be to pretend to split into five different, Taliban, ISIS, Boko Haram and al-Shabab.

They are playing like like a game of chess (Paraphrasing a verse from Ready or Not by sung by Lauryn Hill of The Fugees). This pledging of allegiance by Boko Haram to ISIS was only done for show.  Soon the terrorist attacks will become even more large scale (yes another psychological ploy in order to make us think that the merger strengthened them when in fact this is the next step in this sick grandiose plot to take down the West, Israel and other non-Islamic nations.  Of course this is another step to them bringing about the apocalypse.

We have fought them like wimps to this point.  It is time to throw the yoke of The Geneva Convention, political correctness and God knows what other treaties that may have been signed off their shoulders and fight like the US Military of bygone eras in American history.  By the way whoever heard of these rules of fighting a war?  Only morons come up with this and live by it.  It is definitely a great way to become the conquered.  Either we revert to fighting like the U.S. Military of yore or we may soon become conquered by the Islamists...or Russia or China or some variation of the three or all three...