Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Iranian Hubris or Lack Thereof...

After reading the article in the above link, all I can say is "How stupid were we to make a deal with them?" The Iranian military official talks about how he laughs when the US threatens to attack Iran and how they made us bow before them.  This is obviously part of the sick and twisted plan by Iran to have us make the deal with them, then humiliate us by making us bow before the thug nation and then ultimately attack us and Israel after developing their nukes if they haven't done so by now in their five or much more nuclear facilities located throughout the Islamic Republic.

     I know that President Obama is trying to make peace with the Arab world (so he says) in order to soften the US image worldwide, but this is not the way to do it. In fact it only strengthens the case that some of his critics have made that he is essentially anti-American and is plotting to destroy America from within along with the argument that he is Islamic or even an Islamic operative. As much as wasn't a fan of Reagan or both Bushes, they wouldn't have allowed this deal to go as far as it has to this point. Bill Clinton would've never allowed this deal to occur. Former President Clinton would've bombed Iran if he felt that it was necessary. Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush obviously were gutless cowards in that regard. They not only failed to bomb Iran, but only after doing what they should have done first. That was to make an honest and serious effort to rescue the Americans and other Western hostages in Beirut from the mid-1980s to the early 1990's instead of being so lazy about it and letting Terry Anderson, Thomas Sutherland, Terry Waite and the other hostages rot in Beirut instead of being REAL presidents and have the sack to rescue them.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Palestinians and Iran to disarm alleged Israeli nukes

All I can say upon reading this article is that this plan is a cover for their master plan to nuke Israel. If Israel has nukes, it would only be for use in situations where Israel must defend itself. Such a scenario in inner circles would be The Samson Option. This would only occur as a last resort when Israel would face nuclear attack from its surrounding Arab neighbors.

Yes I can only envision the Iranian argument that they are using nuclear energy for peaceful means and the the U.S. and Israel have no right to prevent Iran from having nuclear energy. However Iran's true intention is to build a nuclear warhead. They supposedly have at least five such facilities and quite possibly much more and people complain about Israel's alleged nuclear weapons. No wonder Israel has denied that they have nuclear weapons.  Look at whom they are up against. I don't blame the Israelis not only for denying that they have nuclear weapons, but also for having them as well. Israel must have the God given right to defend themselves.  At least that is why they have their alleged nuclear program. Iran desires to have nuclear weapons only to strike the U.S., Israel and Iran's other enemies. Need I say more.


Paranoia or not...that is the question

Obama on Iran: The Specter of World War III

I had to share this.  I have read many scenarios of how World War III would play out through the years. I have news for everyone World War III began on September 11, 2001. However this is not the World War III as we would know it to be nor was World War I or World War II for that matter. Presently I am working on a non-fiction historical book tentatively titled "World War I: The War That Never Ended." To give everyone a brief sneak preview, World War has played out in three stages over the past century. World War I in my first foray into non-fiction will be explained as World War: The First Series of Battles. World War II will be explained as World War: The Second Series of Battles. World War III will be explained as World War: The Third Series of Battles. I know that this will be looked upon as a very unconventional look (and I say this very mildly I might add) and will take some time, but read the book when it is finished and published and you will have a better understanding of it.

That said back to the article on Flipboard. The case that President Obama made for allowing the Iran Deal to pass through Congress can be best described as intimidating the House and the Senate along with the American people.  The scenarios that he presented should the deal be votes down in Congress are left field arguements. Russia and China would go to war with each other should the deal be voted down as the article mentioned. What would this war have to do with Congress vetoing any such deal? There would be no such war. The president argued that such a veto would make the world look upon the US as a laughingstock (Those were not President Obama's exact word. I was just paraphrasing). I could go on about this but all I can say is that I hope the president's support for the Iran Deal will not ultimately result in an actual war with Iran. However I am concerned that it's not if such a war would take place but only when such a war will occur...

August 2001 revisited? Could history repeat itself once more?

Al Qaeda branch: Attack U.S.

al-Qaeda has urged its followers to attack the United States. In August 2001 it urged its followers to do so. Hence the CIA memo Bin Laden Determined to Strike the United States. Need I remind anyone what took place a month later?

Fast forward to August 2015. This time an al-Qaeda branch in Yemen has issued a similar order. A pattern seems to be now forming. Does anyone remember the saying history repeats itself over and over again? As a lifelong student of history especially American History as well as Middle Eastern History, I have been reminded of that very saying on many occasions.  Then twenty years ago this month, I remember Dr. Fabiano teaching me and the rest of my U.S. History after 1965 summer school class at Monroe Community College the second half of that saying. It was "If we don't learn from our mistakes."

     Once again the United States of America is at a similar crossroads. It was a crossroads that we as a nation were at fourteen years ago this month. Our national security, intelligence and law enforcement agencies as well as other parties failed to connect the dots back in 2001. Now fourteen years later in 2015 we are at a similar juncture. Do we connect the dots this time or will be subjected to another 9/11esque attack, but one that could be much more devastating in loss of life and other damages? In my debut novel "Black Friday" the mantra "History repeats itself time and time again unless we learn from our mistakes" was a prevailing theme. If you wish to know either follow the excerpts on this blogsite or buy the novel. If we are to prevent another actual September 11th caliber or worse attack, then we must learn from our past mistakes.

Americans, the choice is ours. Do we allow history to repeat itself or do we learn from our mistakes and prevent another devastating/catastrophic terrorist attack from ever occurring?


Free Chapter Two Excerpt from my first novel Black Friday.

Check it out and enjoy reading it!







 “Men.” began Harvey Harrison “The chatter has died down.” he noted in reference to Afghanistan.  However there is still a cause for concern though “We are in the midst of a long and protracted recount.  One that could very well divide this nation.  It is obvious that al-Qaeda will somehow take advantage of this.  We must be on our toes.  I need your suggestions on how to beef up our security.  We know that something may be in the works, but there is no credible threat out there as of this hour.”  Harrison was the 5’8”, 175 pound leader of Ridgemont.  He was clean shaven with gray hair as well as a ruddy appearance from his many years in the field tracking and capturing a considerable number of terrorists.  Those present were in the twenty foot by twenty five foot conference room was the most start of the art room in Ridgeview.  The twelve foot conference table was made of cedar and would seat up to ten people.  The walls were covered with either state of the art computers as well as the newest tracking devices that have been made available to the intelligence community.  The maximum of ten people were seated at the table.  The group leader Harvey Harrison and the rest of his ten man crew including his assistant Reginald Patterson occupied each seat at the table.  The only topic of conversation in the room was what had been the sudden increase in chatter throughout the Middle East until the sudden silence which took place exactly nine hours earlier. 


“As our intelligence has evolved so they have evolved.” Ian Daley acknowledged “We need to beef up our security in the most vulnerable of places.  I suggest that the malls would be a good start.”


“You think so?” Graves said sarcastically “And where do we get the extra security from, your average Joe walking down the street.”


“Enough!” Harrison said sternly.


“We need a more coherent plan.” Daley urged.


“Would you like to come up here and run this meeting?” Harrison snarled.


“That would actually be a good place to start.” Daley replied with contempt in his voice “I lost my wife on 9/11 and what is our intelligence community doing to prevent another attack.” as there was silence in the room “Zilch.” Ian noted “We need to improve our National Security and fast or there will be another attack like 9/11 but on a far more devastating scale.”


“Has there been another attack since 9/11?” Harrison asked challenging Daley.


“Not yet, but if we are not careful, one will soon occur.  We can’t keep getting lucky like we’ve been since 9/11.  The odds are against us.” Daley exhorted.


“You do your job and I will do mine!” Harrison ordered “If there is anything you would like to say that would be a contribution for fighting this threat then say it.  If not sit down and keep your mouth shut!  Do I make myself perfectly clear!” he exploded.


“Just listen to what I have said about how to fight this war!” Daley noted.


“I am taking what you have said and put it on the record.” Harrison noted as his tone became very irritated over the direction that the meeting was heading in.  “Is there anyone else who feels the same way that I am not doing my job properly?”  Everyone else in the room shook their head no in unison.  “Alright then let us pick up where we left off.” Harrison noted as the meeting went on for another twenty minutes.  Harvey Harrison had long been a member of the National Security Department.  He first joined the department during the early years of the Reagan Administration.  Harrison slowly worked his way up the ladder.  When Harrison first became a lower level manager of the National Security Department during the second year of the Clinton Administration, among his first hires was Art Graves as well as Ian Daley.  Graves and Daley quickly became rivals of one another.  Daley was more concerned about doing his job while Graves was more concerned about being a star employee while quickly moving up the ladder.  This resulted in a lot of tension between the two men.  At times the tension threatened to become counter-productive to the NSA.  After 9/11, the Department of Homeland Security was created.  Harrison, Graves and Daley were transferred over to the new governmental agency.  Daley was very gung ho in joining the Department of Homeland Security since his wife was killed while working in the Pentagon on 9/11.  They were joined by a CIA agent who specialized in Counter-terrorism named Reginald Patterson.  The four gradually moved up the ladder of the Department of Homeland Security.  They were now among those who not only analyzed data but were very influential when it came to making recommendation about how to handle the latest terrorist threats while deciding where to allocate governmental resources to.  They were now meeting once again to decide where they would allocate governmental resources in order to prevent another terrorist attack from taking place.




“Do you have any stories to share about Black Friday?” Irene Daley inquired.


“Believe me I have more than my share.” the lady with the platinum blonde hair began “Before I continue my name is Harriet.”


“I’m Irene.” she responded “Nice to meet you.”


“And I’m Irma.” the younger twin by five minutes replied “It’s nice to meet you too.”


“Before I share my stories with you, do you have any questions about how to get through Black Friday?  I see that you have the food and drink part well taken care of.” Harriet noted.


“How crowded do the lines actually get?” Irene asked.


“Ten times more than what you see now by the time the first doors open.” Harriet responded.


“Have there ever been any problems during the wait or when the doors first open?” Irma inquired.


“Other than the occasional rowdy person waiting in line and having too much to drink, nothing major during the wait.  However, when it comes to the medical personnel arriving due to people getting hypothermia or passing out due to exhaustion or fatigue while waiting in line, I see at least ten for both cases every year.” Harriet recalled. 


“What time does it usually start?” Irene asked.


“I would say between one thirty and two o’clock in the morning.” Harriet replied.


“That should begin in less than an hour from now.” Irma mused aloud.


“You two should be fine.  You’re both well bundled up for the occasion.  You have more than enough food.  I would say don’t be afraid to take frequent rest breaks.  One of you rest up while the other waits in line.  My daughter Sophie got a head start with the resting.  I’m about to call her in a little while to switch places.  You two might want to work out a similar plan.” Harriet then suggested.


“We will definitely listen to your advice.” Irene replied.  Irene and Irma Daley were twenty six year old college students who had graduated from Johns Hopkins University and were now in the process of getting their doctorate’s degree at Syracuse University only three months earlier.  Since their mother’s death, the twins had been withdrawn for the most part and had rarely socialized among their peers.  However when they arrived in Syracuse, they befriended by another set of twins who had lost their mother in the World Trade Center on 9/11.  Alexis and Andi Davies quickly befriended the Daley twins and quickly brought them out of their shell.  Irene and Irma learned about how both Alexis and Andi lost their mother on 9/11 and saw how the two refused to let tragedy rule their lives.  The Daley twins began to feel very enthusiastic about life once more.  They became very outgoing and like the Davies twins became very popular among the SU graduate students not to mention among the undergraduates they befriended along the way.  Alexis and Andi were now among the people who the Daley twins would do their Christmas shopping for on this very day.


     House Speaker Nate Grumbly was reclining in the chair in his study while surfing the internet.  Grumbly was fifty years old and had gray hair and brown eyes.  His customary attire included silk suits which were professionally tailored as well as white silk shirts and dark silk ties.  Grumbly was known by his nickname Silk.  He was now scanning the NFL website looking over the scores.  He was very pleased about Detroit losing to Denver 24-3, not happy about both Dallas beating New England 35-31 and his beloved Packers being blown out by the Bears 42-7 in the nightcap.  The study had tan walls and a series of ten well organized bookshelves which ranged in subjects from ancient history and philosophy up to American History and Political Thought to Sports.  The tan walls had white trim.  The curtains were a dark brown given the fall and winter seasons.  During the summers, the curtains would be white.    There were displays of maritime scenes throughout the room which ranged from paintings to model ships.  The maritime collection ranged from America and the West Indies to Europe, Africa and the Middle East.  The works of the collection that also ranged from depictions of the Roman Era through the mid-1800’s.  Classical music was the only music that Grumbly would ever play while he was in the room.  The combination of classical music and an old book brought the feeling of complete relaxation to him.  It was in this very study that Nate Grumbly would be able to do his best thinking.  Grumbly’s cellphone. Grumbly then reached for his cellphone.  He was about to place a call to his answering service in the nation’s capital when the phone rang.  Grumbly picked it up and then spoke to the person on the other line.  The conversation would last for a few minutes.  After it was over, Grumbly hung up the phone and placed a call to the answering machine in his office “I have decided to take a later flight back.  I should be arriving around 4pm tomorrow.  I have some matters to take care of tomorrow morning in Milwaukee.  I apologize for any inconvenience that I may cause because of this.”  Grumbly then hung up the phone and proceeded to look at the website for another moment.  He then retired for the evening.  However, he received another call.  Grumbly answered the call.


“Nate, it’s me Kirk.” Kirk Roberts began “The president would like to meet with you in the morning.”  Roberts was fifty eight years old and was tall and lanky.  His light brown hair and blue eyes made him look youthful.  His causal dress by Washington standards helped bolster the case that Roberts was youthful beyond his years.


“Tell the old windbag that I have a few things to take care of tomorrow morning first.  After that I will take the noon flight back to DC.” Grumbly replied.


“It’s very important that you attend the meeting.” Kirk noted.


“It was more important that President Wolcott chose Thomas as his running mate instead of remembering all that I did for him through the years.” Nate shot back “I’m sorry, but I have more important matters to attend to.”


“The meeting is about a grave national security matter.” Roberts said.


“Look every time there has been a grave national security matter, nothing happened or it was a false alarm.  Please don’t bother me anymore for the night.” Grumbly added as he hung up the phone.  The tension between Nate Grumbly and Jeff Wolcott had lasted since the before the George H. W. Bush Administration when they worked on both the Mike Dukakis and the Al Gore campaigns respectively.  They later parlayed their work in the 1988 presidential campaign into victories in the 1990 mid-term elections in both Wisconsin and Pennsylvania respectively.  Both men were considered to be conniving and shrewd while becoming rising stars in the Democratic Party.  Their political rivalry became even tenser during the 2008 presidential campaign when Wolcott worked on the Obama campaign while Grumbly worked on the Hilary Clinton campaign.  Four years ago, they were vying for the Democratic presidential campaign.  The two were the last candidates standing and it resulted in a brokered convention.  One that would last for three ballots until Wolcott barley had enough ballots for the nomination.  Wolcott both courted the support of Texas Senator Vince Thomas whom they both offered the vice presidency too.  Grumbly thought he had the perfect deal in place where Thomas would be able to convince enough delegates to support Grumbly until Wolcott blackmailed Thomas into endorsing him.  Thomas not only threw his support as well as the delegates that he controlled to Wolcott, but this convinced Grumbly that the nomination process was rigged.  Since then the only thing that consumed House Speaker Nathan Grumbly was revenge and the desire to bring down Jeffrey Wolcott once and for all.   



“Men, we must begin final preparations to reclaim Taiwan.” Sung Ju Luang began “I have come here directly from a meeting with the chairman of our military.  He has informed us that Premier Ming has approved the excursion that is to take place within the next twenty four hours.  As soon as he gives us the official order we will enter Taiwan and take it back.”  It was these words that made the soldier’s day.  Meanwhile in North Korea similar scenes were being played out among the various military branches.  However it would not only involve South Korea, but Japan and the United States as well.  At the same time, another teleconference was taking place throughout the Middle East.  This time it would involve various Arab leaders discussing a covert military plot.  As the meeting ended, they agreed to inform their military commanders to prepare their soldiers for war while awaiting their final orders to carry out the military strike.