To paraphrase a favorite book of mine "This is the week where the waves have come crashing in." Too much has happened this week for me not to say something/ By this I mean that I'm not declaring my candidacy for public office such announcing that I'm entering the 2016 Presidential race. I wouldn't even know which political party to be a presidential candidate for. Until 2008 I was sure of my political ideology, but since then I've been struggling with that. Anyways I will save that for a whole another blog. What I have decided to do is to be a voice. By that I mean sharing my take on things by writing on this blog. Well we are going to be in for quite a ride together and no that was not part of the farewell speech that former President Bill Clinton gave to his female interns. Enough said there. Let's get this started (As sounds of Let's Get it Started by The Black Eyed Peas is now playing in my mind and on You Tube that I have playing on low since I refuse to wake up my tenant at 5:40 am.
Here we go...The score was 17-3. I will give you four quick hints...It wasn't the score of last night's Colts-Texans game at halftime...that was the first definitely wasn't the score of last night's MLB playoff game (No games were played by the way)...two more hints...It wasn't the score of Thursday hockey game which would have made news on CNN, FOX News, MSNBC (By the way al-Jazzera America doesn't even count as a news outlet. It's just a way for the Wahhabists from Saudi Arabia to pimp their own brand of Islam on the rest of us. Just ask poor Megyn Kelly who they CAIR (Council of American-Islamic Relations aka the al-Qaeda subsidiary who is using CAIR as an excuse in order to pimp their own brand of radical Islam on us while infiltrating American society by using our laws in order to turn this nation into an Islamic state) has declared Jihad on all because she took a stand against their diabolical agenda which in part inspired me to write my now published novel Deception. Well if there was a hockey score that was 17-3 it would have been Team Russia playing Team Zimbabwe in Olympic Hockey. Here's my last hint it wasn't the score of an Oklahoma City Thunder-Charlotte Hornets NBA Exhibition game (Yes the Charlotte Hornets are back). Well 17-3 is the score of the latest racial incident that will change Ferguson from Ferguson, Missouri to Fallujah, Iraq. Yes you are reading right...there has been a second racial incident in Ferguson involving a white police officer and an African-American. This time the African-American male fired three shots at a white police officer unlike Michael Brown who fired none. The white police officer proceeded to fire the next seventeen shots killing the shooter in the process. Seventeen shots?!?!?!? Well I can see a few shots like two to the torso and one to the head, but seventeen?!?!?!? Looks like the officer's face was as red as his neck. Not for anything but this isn't the pre-Civil Rights Jim Crow South anymore. Looks like the U.S. military will now have another conflict that they will have to involve themselves with. Bad enough our military has been spread thin as it is, but this could give ISIS, al-Qaeda and al-Shabbab the opening that they have been looking for to strike at the American heartland. Oh wait the three aforementioned groups are actually one group in order to bring confusion to Americans and the American military. Oh wait they have already struck us recently in the form of the Dallas Ebola patient who passed away Wednesday afternoon. It looks another Ebola infected person is now being treated in Dallas because he was in contact with the patient while treating him. Looks like my Mom God rest her soul was right once again about one thing "No good deed goes unpunished." With that I will be ending this post on that note since I'm expecting some serious backlash because of this latest post but someone has to tell it as it is around here so why not the person be me.
Have a good Friday everyone,
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