Sunday, September 20, 2015

Could this be a guise in more ways then one?

15,000 more refugees to be resettled in U.S. next year

Now the numbers in the Syrian refugees have changed yet again. It looks like 85,000 Syrian refugees will be settling in the United States in 2016. Secretary of State John Kerry has argued that the United States' tradition of immigration is about second chances and a beacon of hope for those who desire a better life. Now what concerns me is the interpretation of this. Could it be for those who truly desire freedom and a better life than the one that was experienced in Syria or could it be ISIS and the other proponents of Radical Islam who see this as an opportunity to expand their own version of second chances and being a beacon of hope when it comes to furthering the agenda of spreading their own brand of Islam throughout the world. This alone concerns me deeply.

Also the other question that I wonder is how far has the infiltration seeped its way into the United States government. After readinf books such as Infiltration and Moslem Mafia (key research for my third novel Deception) there has been questions about how far this has actually spread. Could it be that it is worse than any of us realize? Could the allegations that were made about the president being Moslem and convincing John Kerry to use this arguement about being a land of second chances and a beacon of hope as a guise to turn the US into a Moslem nation be in fact true.  Granted there can be convincing arguments for and against any of these points. All I am doing is reporting the facts and the view points of both sides. We are living in perilous times and the last thing America needs is another 9/11ish attack or worse. This sudden influx of Syrian immigrants could very well prove to be the tipping point.

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