[Islamic State expands beyond Iraq-Syria base with ...] http://newsmasterapp.com/article/i6298487445579645444?app_id=1102
ISIS has now expanded it reach well into Africa and Asia when it comes to their armies. This alone does not bode well for the rest of the world. Couple that with the fact that ISIS cells are entrenched in both the USA and Europe and the War on Terror is much, much worse than previously thought.
Of course this has resulted in the recent attacks in Paris, San Bernardino, Brussels and now Orlando as of ten days ago. The most troubling thing about the Orlando massacre is that it could very well become the opening shots of a much more deadlier dimension in their war against us. We must now brace ourselves for the grave possibility that what happened in Orlando will likely become commonplace not only in the US, but also globally as well. For decades Israelis have been victims of endless suicide bombings by Palestinians. Tragically this and massacres could become a way of life in the United States and non-Islamic nations. Radical Moslems have gradually seeped their way into pivotal positions in nations such as the US whether it is in law enforcement, political and the like. I wrote about such a scenario in my last novel Deception. Horrifically Deception could turn very prophetic if we fail to do something immediately.
That said this ties into the 2016 Presidential Election. It has become the most pivotal election since 1860. Four major candidates ran that year. It would not be unrealistic to see four major presidential candidates when this is all said and done. The GOP is trying to hijack the nomination away from Donald Trump while some elements in the Democratic Party are trying to do the same to Hillary Clinton. With Trump his very controversial views have put many off while reinvigorating a nation who has become so fed up that they feel that Trump represents not only their best hope, but also America's last hope in surviving as a nation. He did what was required delegate wise and yet he may be denied the nomination due to his views. Yet Hillary Clinton could be denied her party's nomination because of an email scandal among things. Yet no one wanted to deny someone a nomination due to having a questionable role in 9/11 and voter tampering in Florida, and another person because of a questionable birth certificate and suspected ties to radical Islam. Just sharing views of various people along the way here to illustrate this post. Imagine if the GOP or Trump are so upset over their party's ultimate nominee or Hillary is indicted over emails and Bernie Sanders is Berned that Joe Biden ends up as the Democratic Nominee. Now that we have four major presidential candidates duking it out in a political free for all for the ages. Houston err America we have a problem. This will shape up as a fall for the ages. If anyone is interested please read Dark Horse by Ralph Reed for a similar presidential election scenario. However it involves 3 candidates and one of them got cheated out of their party's nomination.
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