Tuesday, October 20, 2015

If so then this is a sure sign of disaster...


Mahmoud Abbas joins Hamas and ISIS?!?!? Well if this is true about joining ISIS, then things could get very bad very quick. The recent stabbings throughout Israel indicate a bold turn by the Palestinians to escalate their war agaisnt Israel. Yet it could be a sign of what is to come. Today Israel, tomorrow the United States. The stabbings in Israel could very well be a practice run for such incidents in the United States quite possibly in the very near future. Can anyone imagine the fear and paranoia that will engulf the USA should US citizens get stabbed en masse especially during rush hour and during a night out on the town? This wouldn't be the first time that another country was the site of a practice run when it came to terrorism that was ultimately carried out in the Unites States. In December 1999 terrorists carried box cutters and hijacked a plane that was leaving India. The hijackers used one of  the said box cutters to execute a hostage on the plane.

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