Thursday, December 31, 2015

Waiting for the other shoe to drop

Munich train service stopped over possible terror plot

     On the heels of a terror plot in Rochester, NY; there is a plot for an impending attack in Munich. Two cities, two plots for terrorist attacks for tonight, looks like this is scratching the tip of the iceberg if you ask me. That's two cities that we know of as of right now. God knows how many other plots are out there for tonight. With this in mind, it's no longer a matter of if, but what time tonight and where an attack will take place.
     I have to write this blog post to look out for Americans and other nations who are in the cross hairs of ISIS. Yes there are reports of ISIS losing ground in their own territory, but their operatives are extending their tentacles globally. With ISIS operatives in Western nations and quite possibly Israel, they will likely strike especially should ISIS be on the brink of defeat.
     With the call from ISIS for the Saudis to overthrow their government as well as for attacks to take place in Israel, the reports of ISIS being on the decline is not only premature but irresponsible as well. This alone will likely give many a false sense of hope and feeling secure. Remember the reports of al-Qaeda and the Taliban being on the ropes ten years ago? Do I need to remind everyone what has happened since? With that in mind, the only time that we must ever believe that ISIS is on the ropes is when they are completely eradicated from the Earth. Yes this is very disturbing to many to call for the eradication of a threat, but consider Nazi Germany in its early stages. Imagine if that threat was eradicated in say 1936 the countless lives that would have spared especially the lives of six million people who practiced the Jewish faith and were killed for doing so. ISIS is the modern Nazi Germany. They must be wiped out before we are wiped out.


Hitting Home

     Everyone especially those in the Rochester, New York and surrounding areas, the War on Terrorism has hit home. It looks like ISIS was only a day away from making its presence known when one of its members was arrested for plotting to attack a restaurant/club/bar with a machete and kidnapping a random person along the way.

     This development will likely inspire others to carry out what the ISIS punk-scum of the earth attempted to do. This shows that our restaurants/bars/clubs are the new soft targets. I shudder to say this but it is now only a matter of when the aforementioned areas will be attacked. Even Rochester, New York is now in the cross hairs of ISIS. al-Qaeda has had a history of carrying out a terrorist attack in the area where it previously failed to do so (1993 and 2001 World Trade Center attacks) and now its fake breakaway group ISIS will likley try to replicate this infamous track record (Yes I consider al-Qaeda/ISIS/al-Shabaab/Boko Haram to be one and the same in an effort to play us like a very sick game of chess) and Rochester may very well be next on this very sick and disturbing trend.
     This said, I wouldn't be surprised if other cities are in the ISIS crosshairs for tonight. If so and then the incompetence by the agencies that led to 9/11 has taken a much worse turn or something much more graver and sinister as at play here.


Thursday, November 26, 2015

Parallels between my novel Black Friday and November 2015

I usually would not make this kind of entry, but given the climate I have decided to do so. When I first wrote my first published novel "Black Friday" in November 2012, I wrote about a terror plot against the nation's malls on the day after Thanksgiving. Fast forward to November 2015 where some of the storylines in "Black Friday" seem to be playing out in real life.  Here they are:

1.  In Black Friday, a presidential campaign was the talk of the nation.

In November 2015, the 2016 Presidential Campaign is the talk of the nation.

2. In Black Friday, the president came across as having no interest in the War on Terror.

In November 2015, there seems to be a growing sentiment among groups of Americans that President Obama has come across as having no in protecting the US against ISIS.

3. In Black Friday, the Chicago Bears played the Green Bay Packers in the Thanksgiving Night game.

In November 2015 , the Chicago Bears are playing the Green Bay Packers in the Thanksgiving Night game.

4. In Black Friday, there is a plot to attack the nation's malls on the day after Thanksgiving.

In November 2015, tomorrow is the day after Thanksgiving. My concern is that if there was ever a year that a plot to attack the nation's malls could materialize, then this would very likely be the year that it happens.  I pray to God that with the recent attacks against  Mali, Paris and Russia that we are able to do something before it's too late. With the recent escalations when it comes to ISIS carrying out their plan for a global caliphate it frightens me that they will go to such extremes to make it happen. Although there is no credible threat known out there I urge everyone to remain vigilant and to do their part to keep America safe.


Happy Thanksgiving!!!

I would like to take a moment to wish everyone a safe and very Happy Thanksgiving!  Let's take a moment to reflect on the Pilgrims who came here in the Seventeeth Century.  Without them not only would we not have Thanksgiving Day to celebrate, but also the United States of America would not have come to be.  Other than that enjoy your turkey, ham, and football!


Monday, November 23, 2015

Now it gets real...

US issues rare global travel alert over terror threats -

The terror threat is so strong that the US has issued a global travel alert that expires on February 24, 2016. With the recent attacks against France, Mali and Russia this is a good idea, but ending the alert on that date? Not a bright idea. The only thing that has stunned me about this alert is why hasn't it been in effect since September 11, 2001. I'm sure that a lot of people if not everyone has asked that very question.

With the concerns about an impending terrorist attack, I agree with the issuing of the alert. My other concern is what happens after it's lifted. Is this when ISIS/al-Qaeda/al-Shabaab  (yes I believe that they are all one and the same group who pretended to split up so they can play us like a game of chess) decides to attack us non-stop? What those who are running the Department of Homeland Security and the other boneheads who made this decision should've done was to keep the travel alert indefinite and not announce when it will be lifted in order to keep all Americans safe. Are we asking for trouble? I would say yes because it could become open season on the USA...


Monday, November 16, 2015

I'm not surprised about this at all. It was only a matter of when.

Well, well, looks like Public Enemy Number 1 has now threatened our nation's capital. We better have our Homeland Security apparatus at full blast and fast. The scum of the earth has just threatened to go Paris and Mumbai on Washington, DC. For all we know it could be a diversion and the real target would be New York or Los Angeles. Regardless we must not mess around right now with ISIS. After what we witnessed in Paris, the punks mean business. Therefore we must mean business in return and mow down the ISIS hoodlums once and for all. France has the right idea and mow down ISIS Headquarters and Raaqa in general. That's some serious sack for France and the world must give France some serious props for laying down the law Hollywood style!


A new and disturbing way for terrorists to communicate with one another.

Leave it to the terrorists to find new and unique ways to communicate with one another and to carry out attacks. If this doesn't give a new meaning to diabolical, then I don't know what does. Even the popular Play Station 4 is now being dragged into the M.O. of terrorists. This now gives Play Station the publicity that it never needed to have. This leads me to my next question. If terrorists can use something as innocent as Play Station then what's next or what other methods have they been using that the rest of us have yet to find out?


France is laying down the law when it comes to fighting ISIS

     Since Friday night's terrroist attacks in Paris, French police have carried out the law enforcement equivalent of a full court press against ISIS. France's all-out efforts have included over 150 raids that were conducted against suspected Islamists. One of the raids that took place in Lyon netted a rocket launcher.
     The French military has even conducted a full scale bombing campaign in Raaqa which is the so-called captial of ISIS. Sunday's bombings included ISIS Headquarters. This shows a clear all-in strategy that France has instituted whrn it comes to fighting ISIS. Now if every nation that was attacked by terrrorists would utilize this strategy then it would prove to be a deterrent for potential terrorists who would like to carry out an attack.


Sunday, November 15, 2015

More on the ISIS endgame

After reading this article, it was a no brainer for me to share and comment on it. Yes I'm convinced that the ISIS endgame is underway by this radical shift in their strategy when it comes to carrying out attacks in Europe and Africa. As I mentioned in my previous post, I discussed the attacks against Russia, Beirut and Paris as the first storm.  This article coulpled with my take on the first storm and my theory about al-Qaeda/ISIS/al-Shabaab being one and the same continues to prove that they are trying to confuse us in every way possible.

     We must not fall for this tactic while we must be on guard for any efforts to attack us by the al-Qaeda/ISIS/al-Shabaab enemy. This is why this may not be the last of the strategy shifts after all.

ISIS beginning to take their plans to the next level

When I read the article in The New York Times which said "ISIS calls bloodshed 'First of the Storm'" the impression that I got was that the downing of the Russian Airliner over Egypt, the attacks in Beirut and Friday night's attacks in Paris have become the opening paragraphs in the newest chapter in ISIS' playbook to establish a global caliphate. This falls in line with the multi-phase plan for Radical Islam to wage war with the West. It looks like the last phase of the radical Islamic plan to take over the west and establish a global caliphate may have begun only a few months earlier than they had planned.

     This last phase of the plan calls for the final battle with the west. This phase is scheduled to take place from 2016-2020. The other phases have taking place as planned within the scheduled time frames for each phase to have begun and then completed by. To me this indicates that the ISIS endgame is now underway. They will not stop until the ISIS Caliphate encompasses the entire world that will go from Dar es Jihad aka World of War to Dar es Salaam aka World of Peace.

     This yet leads to reintroducing another theory that I shared a while back. It was one orginiated by CNN's Faheed Zakaria that claimed al-Qaeda, ISIS and al-Shabaab as well as the other al-Qaeda-esque groups are one and the same. They followed an order by Osama bin Laden to play psychological warfare with us. This was done to confuse us. Well some of us are no longer falling for that trick. Count me among those who will no longer be played like a game of chess. Yes I'm quoting a verse from The Fugees on this very Sunday morning. That multi-phase plan for the global jihad that they have been waging against us was first discovered when al-Qaeda terrorists were busted and this was found on the laptops that were confiscated. Now ISIS/al-Qaeda is executing the last phase of this plan. They must be stopped as once.


Friday, November 13, 2015

The scene that I wrote of Off the Grid, Under the Radar that I wrote on November 2, 2015

Here is an excerpt from Off the Grid, Under the Radar that has now become prophetic in real life. May I take the time to let everyone know that I wrote this scene on November 2 of this year as part of my National Novel Writer's Month project. I have never shown this to anyone until now. I would like to take a moment to pray for the victim's of tonight's attack in Paris. I urge everyone else to do the same.

Scene from the current novel Off the Grid, Under the Radar that Ihave yet to finish turns into a real life news event within the past half hour

Paris shootings: Casualties in city centre and explosion at Stade de France -

A scene from Off the Grid, Under the Radar where a series of shootings and explosions take place in Europe, North America, Israel and Australia has just went down in real life in Paris. What strikes me about this is that one of the cities that this happened in Off the Grid, Under the radar occured in Paris. Now rhe real life incident in Paris that I just found out about moments ago has left me shaken up.

     This now marks that third time that I have either written or published a novel in which a scene or scenes became prophectic in real life. The other two novels in which this occurred wad Black Friday where I wrote about a terrorist attack at a mall became real when the Westgate Mall in Kenya was attacked while I was editing Black Friday almost two weeks before it was published. In Deception, I wrote about many Middle Easterners immigrating to the United States as part of a plot to turn the United States and other European nations into Islamic States under the fictional Mecca Caliphate. In another fact regarding Deception, I wrote about the fictional Mecca caliphate in the months leading up to the offical arrival of ISIS to the world scene. While Deception was being edited, ISIS was declared a caliphate.
     These factors alone have made question whether I have a knack for events in my novels becoming real life events like the ones that Tom Clancy and Joel C. Rosenberg have written about.


Tuesday, October 20, 2015

If so then this is a sure sign of disaster...

Mahmoud Abbas joins Hamas and ISIS?!?!? Well if this is true about joining ISIS, then things could get very bad very quick. The recent stabbings throughout Israel indicate a bold turn by the Palestinians to escalate their war agaisnt Israel. Yet it could be a sign of what is to come. Today Israel, tomorrow the United States. The stabbings in Israel could very well be a practice run for such incidents in the United States quite possibly in the very near future. Can anyone imagine the fear and paranoia that will engulf the USA should US citizens get stabbed en masse especially during rush hour and during a night out on the town? This wouldn't be the first time that another country was the site of a practice run when it came to terrorism that was ultimately carried out in the Unites States. In December 1999 terrorists carried box cutters and hijacked a plane that was leaving India. The hijackers used one of  the said box cutters to execute a hostage on the plane.

The 2.5% Rule...What a Stupid Criteria for Debate Eligibility...

   What ever happened to each candidate having an equal voice in their quest for elected office?  Well according to the GOP, having less than 2.5% of popular support disqualifies a candidate from participating in the next GOP presidential debate.  I know that there is an effort by the GOP to reduce the field of candidates from fifteen to a select few. Not for anything, but there are twenty names beibg floated for Speaker of the House. Well what do you expect from a party that had as many as 17 declared presidential candidates for crying out loud.  More on that later. 

     Has anyone forgotten to allow the process of Democracy to play itself out? I mean look at the Democrats more or less pushing John "The Annointed" Kerry adter his Iowa win in 2004. There were other viable candidates such as Retired General Wesley Clark (I thought he would've made an outstanding president by the way) who were drowned out that year.  What happenes if Trump suddenly takes a dive in the polls and no other viable candidate is able to prove themselves to be the nominee due to the GOP forcing candidates out of the race? This would give watered-down a completely new meaning.  What if Trump slips and there is no further reduction in the number of candidates? Someone can step up and prove themselves. Just throwing it out there.

As for the Speaker of the House debacle that I briefly touched off on earlier. Twenty candidates does not show variety, it shows further indecisiveness when it comes to the direction of a politcal party. Vetting the viability of a candidate? How about letting the voting process to play itself out. This coming from a political party who in the 2000 presidential election tampered with votes in Florida and God knows how many other states. Um George Clooney you can use this as a premise for Ocean's Fourteen.  You know graduate from robbing to tampering votes. What a sad commentary when it comes to the direction that Democracy is heading in. What happened to allowing every candidate to make their case for you vote...what ever happened to allowing every vote to count? I'm just the son of a Korean War Veteran...My dad fought in Korea to allow Democracy to continue on in the USA. He fought so we can be free and that I have the right to ask these questions without the threat of being jailed or executed.


Could these weapons fall into the wrong hands? Mistakes of previous administrations revisited?

President Obama's decision to send weapons to Syrian rebels indicates the effort to fight ISIS is becoming more aggressive. However it could backfire and evoke memories of similar mistakes by previous administrations in recent decades. First and foremost the decision to arm the Afghan citizens and foreign fighters who came to Afghanistan to fight the Soviet invasion. Well those weapons fell into the hands of foreign fighters who later became known as al-Qaeda. We even trained them before they turned against us.

Lest we forget the other colossal mistakes of the so-called iconic Reagan administration. Bad enough we chose to arm Iraq to fight Iran during the Iran-Iraq War drom 1980-1988 due to the fact that Iran was holding 52 Americans hostage, but Iraq used these weapons to invade Kuwait that resulted in Operation Desert Storm, but also influenced the rise of al-Qaeda. Then we ship arms to Iran to free American and other Western Hostages held by the Iranian backed Hezbollah. To all insult to injury, Hezbollah proceeded to replenish their supply of Western hostages in order to get more arms. We all know that Iran-Contra was a result of this ineptitude and hypocritical conduct of the Reagan Administration. This after Ronald Reagan said that the US does not negotiate with terrorists. That said if there was ever a textbook case for impeaching a president this was the case. However there were too many gutless cowards who played the "US is not ready for another round of impeachments this sok after Watergate" card. Well they called for the impeachment of President Clinton for using his PhD on Monica Lewinsky. For thsoe who do not what I mean by PhD, it's called Pimpin' Honeys Degree.

Now on to the next one...aka act of presidential incompetence. This honor goes to none other then George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush. The Elder Bush for failing to topple Saddam after his invasion of Kuwait not to mention his role in Iran-Contra. The Little Bush for arming the Iraqi insurgents who later evolved into ISIS over time. I will refrain from discussing the Bush family's other incidents at this time,  but as a hint the dual offenses took place from  November 2000 through September 2001.

With all this history that I have discussed, I have no question that the arming of Syrian rebels will prove to be another epic disaster especially if they fall into the hands of ISIS. I shudder to say this but it's not if but when given the recent track record.


Wednesday, September 30, 2015

A relationship of convenience that could someday lead to war?

Right now the relationship between the militaries of the United States and China border between cooperation and competition. However this could ultimately end up in competition. According to a book that was released only to members of the Chinese government and military twenty years ago, there was a call for confrontation with the United States whenever it was necessary whether it was be of peaceful or militarily means.

It has been known for decades that China has made considerable investments in many foreign countries and in some cases has considerable influence in those nations. Their presence overseas, in particular Iran by helping with the Iranian nuclear program is of great concern. Could China be sending mixed signals? A strong case could be made there.  One could argue that with the help of China, Iran could have nuclear weapons that will then be used against the United States and Israel. Should the damage and carnage that the USA is so extensive that China then decides to invade Taiwan and reclaims it as the territory of the People's Republic of China with little to no resistance.

In another scenario China has been rumored to help North Korea with their nuclear program. Imagine a scenario where North Korea, Iran or both nations decide to attack the United States in a nuclear manner. After the first phase of the plan, China retakes Taiwan as mentioned earlier. Then there is potential for China to go to war with Russia. What would 200 million dead Chinese soldiers mean to China if they are able to annex Russian territory along the way? Well with Vladimir Putin's ambition to return Russia to its days as the Soviet Union there could be quite a battle between the two nations and I mean quite a battle. Hopefully none of this will ever come to pass.

Tom DiCaprio-author of Black Friday, Ruthless and Deception.

Monday, September 28, 2015

More about taqiyya

This will be the last post regarding the explanation of taqiyya at least for the time being.

Tom DiCaprio-author of Black Friday, Ruthless and Deception.

Another post explaining taqiyya.

This will further clarify the doctrine of taqiyya.

Tom DiCaprio-author of Black Friday, Ruthless and Deception.

Theme from Deception taqiyya, Ben Carson's recent comments explained abd expanded in in detail.

Ben Carson's recent comments about Islam not being consistent with presidential qualifications has drawn a lot of fire. Yes my third novel not only covers a potential Islamic president, but it also touched on taqiyya. Taqiyya is a doctrine in Islam where Moslems are permitted to decieve non-Moslems in order to advance their cause. I highly recommend this article in order to educate everyone about this.

Tom DiCaprio-author of Black Friday, Ruthless and Deception.

The Temple Mount crisis continues

Dozens of Palestinian youths tried to carry out a full fledged riot against the Israelis by barricading themselves inside the al-Aqsa Mosque and then throw stones and firebombs at the Israelis. After the police stormed the mosque and broke it up, Palestinians everywhere are outraged by the desecration of the al-Aqsa Mosque by non-Moslems. Not for anything but what did they think was going to happen. If they didn't use a mosque as a shield in order to carry out their jihad agaisnt Israel then the Israelis wouldn't have to storm the mosque in order to lay down the law. This is another example of Moslems twisting the Koran and Islam in order to fit their own needs. Well we have better brace for the possibility of an all-out war in the Middle East on several fronts (ISIS, al-Qaeda & Iran just to name three of many). Talk about a cauldron that is about to explode.

Tom DiCaprio-author of Black Friday, Ruthless and Deception.

Jeremy Corbyn-Radical Islam's newest and quite possibly its best friend in Great Britain

Osama bin Laden framed for the September 11, 2001 attacks?!?!? According to British Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn that was the case. He blames the U.S. and British government for setting up the al-Qaeda founder for the attacks in New York and Washington that fateful September day over 14 years ago.  If you believe this then there is a bridge in Brooklyn that I'm in the process of trying to sell.  This is disturbing in itself, but when you also read that Corbyn proceeds to expound on his Anti-Semitic views this is when we get a greater sense that the future of Great Britian could rival that of Nazi Germany should Jeremy Corbin the Hitler in training ever become prime minister. Given the rising Islamic population in Great Britain he would appeal to Moslems who share his anti-American and anti-Israeli views. The Islamists would not only have a mouthpiece, but also a friend that sits in the prime minister's seat. What a tragedy that would be in itself.

Tom DiCaprio-author of Black Friday, Ruthless and Deception.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Iran renegs. Another storyline from Fallout being played out

sent from MEMRI app

I knew this would happen. Iran has no intention of following through with its end of the Iran Deal. The only surprise is that this came out a lot sooner than i thought it would. As everyone may know by now, I'm working on another novel titled Fallout which deals with Iran reneging on its end of the Iran Deal. I recommend that you read the link.


An Unholy Alliance for sure

Iraq, Russia, Iran to team up

Iraq, Russia and Iran will be teaming up to share intel with Syria in the fight against ISIS. This will be for the moment at the very least. Could this become a guise to prepare to team up against the United States? All four nations have been known to be anti-America not to mention anti-Israel. How do we known for sure that the alliance will be contained to the fight against ISIS? We don't know for sure. That is the problem. Today it's ISIS, tomorrow it could be the the United States and Israel. Who knows Saudi Arabia could be added to the hitlist of the Unholy Alliance since Iran, Iraq and Syria are known to have considerable Shi'a influences. I mentioned the feud between Saudi Arabia and Iran in my previous post. This now expands on my previous post. Who knows what will go down next? Stay tuned.


Impending next round of Shi'a-Sunni feud.

Iran criticizes Saudi Arabia over Hajj deaths

There has been a long standing feud between the Shi'a and Sunni Moslems since the debate over the succession of leadership in the Islamic faith. There have been two major players in this feud in the modern era-Saudi Arabia and Iran. Now with the hajj stampede this past week, Iran has now criticized Saudi Arabia for what has occurred while Saudi Arabia proceeded to crack back against Iran for putting in their two cents regarding the matter. Now with both Major Islamic sects along with two prominient Islamic nations getting their beef on with one another, looks like the feud could be taken to a new and quite possibly a very bloody one. Yes I'm exploring this topic in Fallout which I'm writing at the present. Imagine if there is an all out war between Iran and Saudi Arabia. Looks like all Sunni and Shi'a Moslems will likely get into the act. With the recent Russian influence in the Middle East the US and Russia could somehow get into the act and maybe fight each othet as well. This is a concern since both nations have nukes and with the recent tensions between the two nations, I shudder to think of the outcome. If China stays out of this they could be ensured of being the lone superpower. Then things become very interesting for sure and I mean this as an understatement...

Saturday, September 26, 2015

ISIS can lay in wait anywhere...

If this doesn't make us question our safety and security, I don't know what will. After learning that ISIS has extended its clout to South Africa. Yes you read this right South Africa of all places. This means that any nation and I mean any nation is now susceptible to the influence of ISIS or any other terrorist group for that matter. This means that no nation should ever trust another completely. You never know where the sleepers may lay in wait to strike.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Another theme from Deception being discussed in real time

From USA Today Column: A secret Muslim president? Been there. Done that.

A key theme of my third novel Deception is about fictional Darryl Jeremiah Gant possibly being a secret Moslem but hiding it so he could ascend to the Presidency of the United States of America.

There have been whispers of Barack Obama and Thomas Jefferson secretly practicing Islam as discussed in the article while compelling evidence furthered the respective cases against the two men. In Jefferson's case made by his deteactors regarded the fact that he owned a Koran. In Obama's case his detractors claims includes a doctored birth certificate, having a Moslem father and stepfather, living in Indonesia which is a known Islamic hotbed not to mention turning his back on longtime US ally Israel and kowtowing to Islamic nations. Also the allowing of throngs of Arab immigrants furthered the urban legend where President Obama was tasked with allowing millions of Arab immigrants into the US and fermenting a war between Israel and Iran as ordered by the Saudi monarchy.  Yes the allowing of Arab immigrants and the plot to ferment a war between Israel and Iran were also key storylines in Deception. However Jefferson ultimately escaped the Islam label while President Obama has not yet been able to do so. In Jefferson's case it took many decades before that happened. It could take at least that long and quite possibly longer in the case of President Obama. Either it's his detractors who have spread lies about him or they may know that this is the actual truth and it is being supressed. We may never know for sure one way or another.

The timing of the Blood Moons, the latest Israeli-Palestinian clashes and the Papal visit to the U.S.

Talk about timing! Between the last Blood Moon of the Tetrad, the latest Israeli-Palestinian clashes and the Papal Visit to the United States it concerns me very deeply that something is about to go down and it isn't going to be good. With the Blood Moons it occurs when a very significant historical event takes place or is about to take place. In this case concerns about a terror attack during Pope Francis' visit to the U.S by ISIS or some other terror group, the further escalation of the latest Israeli-Palestinian conflict or even a monunental economic disaster could take place or all of these events could occur. Something else may occur that I haven't mentioned in this post. I pray that none of this ever takes place.

Yet in these times the likelihood of sonething occurring is very high. Does the national security apparatuses of the US or other nations fail or will they succeed in preventing a incident or incidents from taking place. We shall soon find out.


A Very Heartfelt Thank You!

This morning I found out that my third novel Deception which was published in August 2014 is now ranked #1758 on Kindle for the Suspense category! It has surpassed my first novel Black Friday as my top ranked novel. I would like to thank everyone who has helped me, believed in me, given me encouragement not to mention bought Black Friday, Ruthless and or Deception. I very much appreciate the support that I have recieved not to mention my fans and friends! Thank you so very much! Now it's time to aim for the top spot on the bestseller lists!


Sunday, September 20, 2015

Some things never change

Well I told you so. Never trust the Iranian government and the clerics for that matter. The fact that America is still public enemy number 1 according to Iran doesn't surprise me at all. The Iranians are playing us and the west like a game of chess. The countdown of the Iranians attacking the United States and Israel is clearly underway.

This story has been released as I am beginning to write my latest novel Fallout which is about the Iran Deal that is set in the near future. In Fallout the Iran Deal proves to become a disastrous one as CIA Agent J.T. Vincent races against time to prevent terrorist attacks by Iran in the United States and Israel. Meanwhile a rogue team of CIA agents tries to ferment a war between the Saudis, Iran, ISIS and the Moslem Brotherhood while the aforementioned elements have operatives influencing the various members of the Executive Branch of the United States government competing to see who would be the first to take the US down from within.

Could this be a guise in more ways then one?

15,000 more refugees to be resettled in U.S. next year

Now the numbers in the Syrian refugees have changed yet again. It looks like 85,000 Syrian refugees will be settling in the United States in 2016. Secretary of State John Kerry has argued that the United States' tradition of immigration is about second chances and a beacon of hope for those who desire a better life. Now what concerns me is the interpretation of this. Could it be for those who truly desire freedom and a better life than the one that was experienced in Syria or could it be ISIS and the other proponents of Radical Islam who see this as an opportunity to expand their own version of second chances and being a beacon of hope when it comes to furthering the agenda of spreading their own brand of Islam throughout the world. This alone concerns me deeply.

Also the other question that I wonder is how far has the infiltration seeped its way into the United States government. After readinf books such as Infiltration and Moslem Mafia (key research for my third novel Deception) there has been questions about how far this has actually spread. Could it be that it is worse than any of us realize? Could the allegations that were made about the president being Moslem and convincing John Kerry to use this arguement about being a land of second chances and a beacon of hope as a guise to turn the US into a Moslem nation be in fact true.  Granted there can be convincing arguments for and against any of these points. All I am doing is reporting the facts and the view points of both sides. We are living in perilous times and the last thing America needs is another 9/11ish attack or worse. This sudden influx of Syrian immigrants could very well prove to be the tipping point.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

A scene from my third novel" Deception" is being played out in real time

Last August I published my third novel "Deception." "Deception" is about a Saudi Arabian plot to take over the US and European nations for the Mecca Caliphate. A story line in "Deception" is about millions of Arabs emigrating to the United States and European nations en masse. Now with the sudden massive influx of Syrian citizens coming to the USA and Europe, the aforementioned scene in "Deception" has now become prophetic.

     The United States is a nation of immigrants. That alone is one reason that made the USA a great nation for years. America has been a beacon for immigrants who came here to escape persecution, make a better life for themselves and their families and to live in a country where freedom is the American Way of Life.  To me I give the USA some serious respect for doing this. My concern is the ISIS, al-Qaeda or other terrorist operatives who may see this as an opportunity to further their agenda by carrying out acts of terrorism or even further infiltrate the US government or law enforcement among national entities in order to bring about their radical vision of bringing down the United States from within by molding our laws to fit their needs, allowing sleepers to occupy key positions in the US government or even their operatives become employed by the various law enforcement and intelligence agencies so they can turn a blind eye to their fellow operatives who will use this opportunity to carry out devastating terrorist attacks. This is one of my concerns going forward when it comes to the future of the USA.


Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Iranian Hubris or Lack Thereof...

After reading the article in the above link, all I can say is "How stupid were we to make a deal with them?" The Iranian military official talks about how he laughs when the US threatens to attack Iran and how they made us bow before them.  This is obviously part of the sick and twisted plan by Iran to have us make the deal with them, then humiliate us by making us bow before the thug nation and then ultimately attack us and Israel after developing their nukes if they haven't done so by now in their five or much more nuclear facilities located throughout the Islamic Republic.

     I know that President Obama is trying to make peace with the Arab world (so he says) in order to soften the US image worldwide, but this is not the way to do it. In fact it only strengthens the case that some of his critics have made that he is essentially anti-American and is plotting to destroy America from within along with the argument that he is Islamic or even an Islamic operative. As much as wasn't a fan of Reagan or both Bushes, they wouldn't have allowed this deal to go as far as it has to this point. Bill Clinton would've never allowed this deal to occur. Former President Clinton would've bombed Iran if he felt that it was necessary. Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush obviously were gutless cowards in that regard. They not only failed to bomb Iran, but only after doing what they should have done first. That was to make an honest and serious effort to rescue the Americans and other Western hostages in Beirut from the mid-1980s to the early 1990's instead of being so lazy about it and letting Terry Anderson, Thomas Sutherland, Terry Waite and the other hostages rot in Beirut instead of being REAL presidents and have the sack to rescue them.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Palestinians and Iran to disarm alleged Israeli nukes

All I can say upon reading this article is that this plan is a cover for their master plan to nuke Israel. If Israel has nukes, it would only be for use in situations where Israel must defend itself. Such a scenario in inner circles would be The Samson Option. This would only occur as a last resort when Israel would face nuclear attack from its surrounding Arab neighbors.

Yes I can only envision the Iranian argument that they are using nuclear energy for peaceful means and the the U.S. and Israel have no right to prevent Iran from having nuclear energy. However Iran's true intention is to build a nuclear warhead. They supposedly have at least five such facilities and quite possibly much more and people complain about Israel's alleged nuclear weapons. No wonder Israel has denied that they have nuclear weapons.  Look at whom they are up against. I don't blame the Israelis not only for denying that they have nuclear weapons, but also for having them as well. Israel must have the God given right to defend themselves.  At least that is why they have their alleged nuclear program. Iran desires to have nuclear weapons only to strike the U.S., Israel and Iran's other enemies. Need I say more.


Paranoia or not...that is the question

Obama on Iran: The Specter of World War III

I had to share this.  I have read many scenarios of how World War III would play out through the years. I have news for everyone World War III began on September 11, 2001. However this is not the World War III as we would know it to be nor was World War I or World War II for that matter. Presently I am working on a non-fiction historical book tentatively titled "World War I: The War That Never Ended." To give everyone a brief sneak preview, World War has played out in three stages over the past century. World War I in my first foray into non-fiction will be explained as World War: The First Series of Battles. World War II will be explained as World War: The Second Series of Battles. World War III will be explained as World War: The Third Series of Battles. I know that this will be looked upon as a very unconventional look (and I say this very mildly I might add) and will take some time, but read the book when it is finished and published and you will have a better understanding of it.

That said back to the article on Flipboard. The case that President Obama made for allowing the Iran Deal to pass through Congress can be best described as intimidating the House and the Senate along with the American people.  The scenarios that he presented should the deal be votes down in Congress are left field arguements. Russia and China would go to war with each other should the deal be voted down as the article mentioned. What would this war have to do with Congress vetoing any such deal? There would be no such war. The president argued that such a veto would make the world look upon the US as a laughingstock (Those were not President Obama's exact word. I was just paraphrasing). I could go on about this but all I can say is that I hope the president's support for the Iran Deal will not ultimately result in an actual war with Iran. However I am concerned that it's not if such a war would take place but only when such a war will occur...

August 2001 revisited? Could history repeat itself once more?

Al Qaeda branch: Attack U.S.

al-Qaeda has urged its followers to attack the United States. In August 2001 it urged its followers to do so. Hence the CIA memo Bin Laden Determined to Strike the United States. Need I remind anyone what took place a month later?

Fast forward to August 2015. This time an al-Qaeda branch in Yemen has issued a similar order. A pattern seems to be now forming. Does anyone remember the saying history repeats itself over and over again? As a lifelong student of history especially American History as well as Middle Eastern History, I have been reminded of that very saying on many occasions.  Then twenty years ago this month, I remember Dr. Fabiano teaching me and the rest of my U.S. History after 1965 summer school class at Monroe Community College the second half of that saying. It was "If we don't learn from our mistakes."

     Once again the United States of America is at a similar crossroads. It was a crossroads that we as a nation were at fourteen years ago this month. Our national security, intelligence and law enforcement agencies as well as other parties failed to connect the dots back in 2001. Now fourteen years later in 2015 we are at a similar juncture. Do we connect the dots this time or will be subjected to another 9/11esque attack, but one that could be much more devastating in loss of life and other damages? In my debut novel "Black Friday" the mantra "History repeats itself time and time again unless we learn from our mistakes" was a prevailing theme. If you wish to know either follow the excerpts on this blogsite or buy the novel. If we are to prevent another actual September 11th caliber or worse attack, then we must learn from our past mistakes.

Americans, the choice is ours. Do we allow history to repeat itself or do we learn from our mistakes and prevent another devastating/catastrophic terrorist attack from ever occurring?


Free Chapter Two Excerpt from my first novel Black Friday.

Check it out and enjoy reading it!







 “Men.” began Harvey Harrison “The chatter has died down.” he noted in reference to Afghanistan.  However there is still a cause for concern though “We are in the midst of a long and protracted recount.  One that could very well divide this nation.  It is obvious that al-Qaeda will somehow take advantage of this.  We must be on our toes.  I need your suggestions on how to beef up our security.  We know that something may be in the works, but there is no credible threat out there as of this hour.”  Harrison was the 5’8”, 175 pound leader of Ridgemont.  He was clean shaven with gray hair as well as a ruddy appearance from his many years in the field tracking and capturing a considerable number of terrorists.  Those present were in the twenty foot by twenty five foot conference room was the most start of the art room in Ridgeview.  The twelve foot conference table was made of cedar and would seat up to ten people.  The walls were covered with either state of the art computers as well as the newest tracking devices that have been made available to the intelligence community.  The maximum of ten people were seated at the table.  The group leader Harvey Harrison and the rest of his ten man crew including his assistant Reginald Patterson occupied each seat at the table.  The only topic of conversation in the room was what had been the sudden increase in chatter throughout the Middle East until the sudden silence which took place exactly nine hours earlier. 


“As our intelligence has evolved so they have evolved.” Ian Daley acknowledged “We need to beef up our security in the most vulnerable of places.  I suggest that the malls would be a good start.”


“You think so?” Graves said sarcastically “And where do we get the extra security from, your average Joe walking down the street.”


“Enough!” Harrison said sternly.


“We need a more coherent plan.” Daley urged.


“Would you like to come up here and run this meeting?” Harrison snarled.


“That would actually be a good place to start.” Daley replied with contempt in his voice “I lost my wife on 9/11 and what is our intelligence community doing to prevent another attack.” as there was silence in the room “Zilch.” Ian noted “We need to improve our National Security and fast or there will be another attack like 9/11 but on a far more devastating scale.”


“Has there been another attack since 9/11?” Harrison asked challenging Daley.


“Not yet, but if we are not careful, one will soon occur.  We can’t keep getting lucky like we’ve been since 9/11.  The odds are against us.” Daley exhorted.


“You do your job and I will do mine!” Harrison ordered “If there is anything you would like to say that would be a contribution for fighting this threat then say it.  If not sit down and keep your mouth shut!  Do I make myself perfectly clear!” he exploded.


“Just listen to what I have said about how to fight this war!” Daley noted.


“I am taking what you have said and put it on the record.” Harrison noted as his tone became very irritated over the direction that the meeting was heading in.  “Is there anyone else who feels the same way that I am not doing my job properly?”  Everyone else in the room shook their head no in unison.  “Alright then let us pick up where we left off.” Harrison noted as the meeting went on for another twenty minutes.  Harvey Harrison had long been a member of the National Security Department.  He first joined the department during the early years of the Reagan Administration.  Harrison slowly worked his way up the ladder.  When Harrison first became a lower level manager of the National Security Department during the second year of the Clinton Administration, among his first hires was Art Graves as well as Ian Daley.  Graves and Daley quickly became rivals of one another.  Daley was more concerned about doing his job while Graves was more concerned about being a star employee while quickly moving up the ladder.  This resulted in a lot of tension between the two men.  At times the tension threatened to become counter-productive to the NSA.  After 9/11, the Department of Homeland Security was created.  Harrison, Graves and Daley were transferred over to the new governmental agency.  Daley was very gung ho in joining the Department of Homeland Security since his wife was killed while working in the Pentagon on 9/11.  They were joined by a CIA agent who specialized in Counter-terrorism named Reginald Patterson.  The four gradually moved up the ladder of the Department of Homeland Security.  They were now among those who not only analyzed data but were very influential when it came to making recommendation about how to handle the latest terrorist threats while deciding where to allocate governmental resources to.  They were now meeting once again to decide where they would allocate governmental resources in order to prevent another terrorist attack from taking place.




“Do you have any stories to share about Black Friday?” Irene Daley inquired.


“Believe me I have more than my share.” the lady with the platinum blonde hair began “Before I continue my name is Harriet.”


“I’m Irene.” she responded “Nice to meet you.”


“And I’m Irma.” the younger twin by five minutes replied “It’s nice to meet you too.”


“Before I share my stories with you, do you have any questions about how to get through Black Friday?  I see that you have the food and drink part well taken care of.” Harriet noted.


“How crowded do the lines actually get?” Irene asked.


“Ten times more than what you see now by the time the first doors open.” Harriet responded.


“Have there ever been any problems during the wait or when the doors first open?” Irma inquired.


“Other than the occasional rowdy person waiting in line and having too much to drink, nothing major during the wait.  However, when it comes to the medical personnel arriving due to people getting hypothermia or passing out due to exhaustion or fatigue while waiting in line, I see at least ten for both cases every year.” Harriet recalled. 


“What time does it usually start?” Irene asked.


“I would say between one thirty and two o’clock in the morning.” Harriet replied.


“That should begin in less than an hour from now.” Irma mused aloud.


“You two should be fine.  You’re both well bundled up for the occasion.  You have more than enough food.  I would say don’t be afraid to take frequent rest breaks.  One of you rest up while the other waits in line.  My daughter Sophie got a head start with the resting.  I’m about to call her in a little while to switch places.  You two might want to work out a similar plan.” Harriet then suggested.


“We will definitely listen to your advice.” Irene replied.  Irene and Irma Daley were twenty six year old college students who had graduated from Johns Hopkins University and were now in the process of getting their doctorate’s degree at Syracuse University only three months earlier.  Since their mother’s death, the twins had been withdrawn for the most part and had rarely socialized among their peers.  However when they arrived in Syracuse, they befriended by another set of twins who had lost their mother in the World Trade Center on 9/11.  Alexis and Andi Davies quickly befriended the Daley twins and quickly brought them out of their shell.  Irene and Irma learned about how both Alexis and Andi lost their mother on 9/11 and saw how the two refused to let tragedy rule their lives.  The Daley twins began to feel very enthusiastic about life once more.  They became very outgoing and like the Davies twins became very popular among the SU graduate students not to mention among the undergraduates they befriended along the way.  Alexis and Andi were now among the people who the Daley twins would do their Christmas shopping for on this very day.


     House Speaker Nate Grumbly was reclining in the chair in his study while surfing the internet.  Grumbly was fifty years old and had gray hair and brown eyes.  His customary attire included silk suits which were professionally tailored as well as white silk shirts and dark silk ties.  Grumbly was known by his nickname Silk.  He was now scanning the NFL website looking over the scores.  He was very pleased about Detroit losing to Denver 24-3, not happy about both Dallas beating New England 35-31 and his beloved Packers being blown out by the Bears 42-7 in the nightcap.  The study had tan walls and a series of ten well organized bookshelves which ranged in subjects from ancient history and philosophy up to American History and Political Thought to Sports.  The tan walls had white trim.  The curtains were a dark brown given the fall and winter seasons.  During the summers, the curtains would be white.    There were displays of maritime scenes throughout the room which ranged from paintings to model ships.  The maritime collection ranged from America and the West Indies to Europe, Africa and the Middle East.  The works of the collection that also ranged from depictions of the Roman Era through the mid-1800’s.  Classical music was the only music that Grumbly would ever play while he was in the room.  The combination of classical music and an old book brought the feeling of complete relaxation to him.  It was in this very study that Nate Grumbly would be able to do his best thinking.  Grumbly’s cellphone. Grumbly then reached for his cellphone.  He was about to place a call to his answering service in the nation’s capital when the phone rang.  Grumbly picked it up and then spoke to the person on the other line.  The conversation would last for a few minutes.  After it was over, Grumbly hung up the phone and placed a call to the answering machine in his office “I have decided to take a later flight back.  I should be arriving around 4pm tomorrow.  I have some matters to take care of tomorrow morning in Milwaukee.  I apologize for any inconvenience that I may cause because of this.”  Grumbly then hung up the phone and proceeded to look at the website for another moment.  He then retired for the evening.  However, he received another call.  Grumbly answered the call.


“Nate, it’s me Kirk.” Kirk Roberts began “The president would like to meet with you in the morning.”  Roberts was fifty eight years old and was tall and lanky.  His light brown hair and blue eyes made him look youthful.  His causal dress by Washington standards helped bolster the case that Roberts was youthful beyond his years.


“Tell the old windbag that I have a few things to take care of tomorrow morning first.  After that I will take the noon flight back to DC.” Grumbly replied.


“It’s very important that you attend the meeting.” Kirk noted.


“It was more important that President Wolcott chose Thomas as his running mate instead of remembering all that I did for him through the years.” Nate shot back “I’m sorry, but I have more important matters to attend to.”


“The meeting is about a grave national security matter.” Roberts said.


“Look every time there has been a grave national security matter, nothing happened or it was a false alarm.  Please don’t bother me anymore for the night.” Grumbly added as he hung up the phone.  The tension between Nate Grumbly and Jeff Wolcott had lasted since the before the George H. W. Bush Administration when they worked on both the Mike Dukakis and the Al Gore campaigns respectively.  They later parlayed their work in the 1988 presidential campaign into victories in the 1990 mid-term elections in both Wisconsin and Pennsylvania respectively.  Both men were considered to be conniving and shrewd while becoming rising stars in the Democratic Party.  Their political rivalry became even tenser during the 2008 presidential campaign when Wolcott worked on the Obama campaign while Grumbly worked on the Hilary Clinton campaign.  Four years ago, they were vying for the Democratic presidential campaign.  The two were the last candidates standing and it resulted in a brokered convention.  One that would last for three ballots until Wolcott barley had enough ballots for the nomination.  Wolcott both courted the support of Texas Senator Vince Thomas whom they both offered the vice presidency too.  Grumbly thought he had the perfect deal in place where Thomas would be able to convince enough delegates to support Grumbly until Wolcott blackmailed Thomas into endorsing him.  Thomas not only threw his support as well as the delegates that he controlled to Wolcott, but this convinced Grumbly that the nomination process was rigged.  Since then the only thing that consumed House Speaker Nathan Grumbly was revenge and the desire to bring down Jeffrey Wolcott once and for all.   



“Men, we must begin final preparations to reclaim Taiwan.” Sung Ju Luang began “I have come here directly from a meeting with the chairman of our military.  He has informed us that Premier Ming has approved the excursion that is to take place within the next twenty four hours.  As soon as he gives us the official order we will enter Taiwan and take it back.”  It was these words that made the soldier’s day.  Meanwhile in North Korea similar scenes were being played out among the various military branches.  However it would not only involve South Korea, but Japan and the United States as well.  At the same time, another teleconference was taking place throughout the Middle East.  This time it would involve various Arab leaders discussing a covert military plot.  As the meeting ended, they agreed to inform their military commanders to prepare their soldiers for war while awaiting their final orders to carry out the military strike.






















Thursday, July 23, 2015

Free Black Friday excerpt Chapter 1

Just thought I would try something different.  I will be posting an excerpt from one of my novels every day.  I will be leading off with the first chapter of my first novel Black Friday. 

Friday November 23

12:00 a.m.





“How low is it supposed to go tonight?” Irene Daley asked her sister Irma.


“I heard that it was going down to twenty five.” Irma Daley replied as the two twenty six year old twin sisters were waiting in the one hundred person long line for Target to open just three hours from now. 


“I wonder if Dad’s finally home.” Irene mused in reference to Ian Daley returning from his job at Homeland Friday November 23



“It had to be very serious for Dad to leave in the middle of Thanksgiving dinner.” Irma noted.


“I couldn’t agree with you more.” Irene remarked as the twins were now freezing in the cold crisp night air.  They were outside Target in The Suburban Mall.  The popular strip mall was located in a suburb of Bethesda.  Meanwhile the two slender 5’6” twins were sipping on their thermoses of French Vanilla coffee.  They were bundled up wearing light blue and tan winter coats respectively.  Their scarves and knit hats matched up.  The two now saw more people get into the line.  “I think we will be at two hundred people in line before we know it.”  The clear crisp night sky was illuminated by the countless stars which dominated the sky.  The Target store was the centerpiece of The Suburban Mall which stretched in an L-shape that would take up a total of three NFL football fields.  The parking lot would fit at least two thousand cars while it had enough room for a bus stop that would hold five commuter busses at any one time.  Across the street of The Suburban Mall was known at “Tech Row.”  Tech Row was a series of technological businesses that were next to one another on Maryland Avenue.  Several yards away behind The Suburban Mall as well as Tech Row were forests.  The trees had been standing since the Meso-Colonial Period.  Birds, deer, fox, raccoon, possum and insects resided in the forests to this day.  The Bethesda area chapter of the National Wildlife Federation had been staging a series of protests periodically every time the developers of both The Suburban Mall and Tech Row desired to expand their respective businesses by proposing to mow down the forests that were behind them.  Each time this was proposed it outraged the local as well as the regional conservation activists to the extent that the plan was ultimately abandoned after months of haggling.  This made the residents of Hopkins, Maryland become emotionally numb whenever the proposals were made given the fact that they would never be passed into law.


“I take it you two are bored.” a middle aged woman began “I’ve been through this ritual every year since 1987.”  Her tan overcoat and knit hat covered her lithe 5’0” frame.  The platinum blonde with blue eyes continued “Believe me, you two will be a veteran at this like me someday.”  With that the Daley twins and the middle aged women began to have a lively conversation with one another.



“Unusual chatter coming from Afghanistan.” Ian Daley began as he then added “Brings back memories of 9/11.”  The 5’9” sixty one year old veteran of the counterterrorism community with gray hair and green eyes as well as a medium build noted as he kept looking over the latest report.  He was casually dressed in a blue button down denim shirt and tan khaki slacks with blue, brown and tan argyle socks and brown loafers.


“Come on Daley, we’ve seen this since 9/11.” Art Graves replied.  The 6’2” fifty year old grizzled data analyst began to roll his eyes as he then added “Remember that supposed threat two years ago.  We thought for sure that something was going to happen, but we all know that nothing occurred.  How about five years ago when…” Graves wore a tan sweater and brown dress pants along with tan shoes and dark brown socks.


“You’ve made your point!” Daley stated exasperatedly as he put his hands towards Graves.  “What if we ignored the signs and we actually have another 9/11?”


“Do you really think that there will be another 9/11?” Art inquired with a quizzical look on his face.


“Look anything is possible.  We must never rule out any scenario.” Ian said.


“Whatever you say, but federal resources are being depleted by the day.” Graves began as Daley cut him off “It is that same mindset that resulted in 9/11.  Look we must never be complacent.  Do I have to remind you what happened the last time we were complacent?” as an African American male walked over to the men and said “Briefing in Harrison’s office ASAP!”


“Yes sir.” they replied as they walked briskly to Harvey Harrison’s office.


“Could you tell us what this is about?” Graves asked Reginald Patterson.”


“Let’s just say that it’s urgent.” Patterson noted.  The 6’5” 220 pound former forward for the Washington Bullets was immaculately dressed in a gray suit, black shirt and a charcoal gray tie.  His black socks and matching shoes as well as a receding pate which never went gray gave him an aura of self-confidence.  His mustache matched his hair and his black glasses give him a dignified look. His voice had the inflection of an individual with an Ivy League pedigree.  The complex which housed this particular branch of the Homeland Security department was in the middle of the complex of businesses in Washington, DC.  However the complex was aptly named Ridgemont in honor of the first director of Homeland Security former Pennsylvania governor Tom Ridge who served less than one term during the first four years of the George W. Bush administration.  Ridgemont was surrounded by a seven foot metal fence which made the peaks of the three story building visible.  Outside the complex stood armed guards at the gate.  They checked for ID each time someone would enter Ridgemont.  Once they saw the identification card, the guards placed a call to a desk secretary who verifies if the person was supposed to be working on a particular shift or was summoned to work on an emergency basis.  Once their identification was confirmed, they would proceed inside where their cars went through a rigorous security search.  This is the reason that the employees of Ridgemont hardly kept anything inside their cars and kept it empty for the most part.  Their identifications were then quickly vetted while they went through a series of metal detectors as well as body scans.  After that they would be allowed to enter the main sections of the complex.  The main sections of the complex actually looked like corporate offices with modern desks, furniture as well as art deco.  The only exceptions were in the private rooms there were state of the art computers with the latest technology to track down terrorists as well as the latest terror threats that Ridgemont would receive every fifteen minutes. 


     It was now late morning inside the al-Qaeda camp in a mountainous area in Afghanistan.  Five men were inside Ayman al-Zawahiri’s tent.  The al-Qaeda leader was holding court with his top lieutenants.  They were going over planning for future operations.  Now Omar Ali Mustafa inquired “How is Operation Yarmuk going?” in reference to the first battle against the Byzantine Empire which was led by Khalid Ibn al Walid.  This very scenario mentioned in the book Future Jihad by Walid Phares.


“We have our agents in place and ready to strike at the given signal.” al-Zawahiri replied. 


“What is the signal?” Khalid Isawi asked.  The higher up in the al-Qaeda hierarchy was 5’11” and 185 pounds.  He wore a white turban and long multi-color flowing robes.  His gray mustache and beard cover most of the olive skin on his face.


“Watch CNN today.  You will find out soon enough.” al-Zawahiri remarked.  He then changed the subject “Do you have anything new to report about the trade?” he inquired in reference to the heroin fields that have been recently proliferating throughout Afghanistan that were primarily run by the Taliban, but were partnered up with al-Qaeda as well. 


“There are four shipments that are on the way to America, Venezuela, Columbia as well as Mexico.  We have operatives in each place of destination.” Isawi replied.


“When do you think that the shipments will be arriving?” Ayman al-Zawahiri asked.


“Any day now.” Isawi noted.  Khalid Isawi for years had worked as a peasant farmer who was unable to make ends meet in a small village that was outside Jalalabad, Afghanistan.  His life was basically a dead end road in which that he would realize that being essentially a migrant farmer who was basically serving a life sentence of poverty despite the fact that his family owned the farm and that as the middle child he would never be able to own the farm.  Isawi was resigned not by choice to live a life in which he had no future until he first heard of al-Qaeda through a fiery sermon being given from one of the Imams at a mosque in the next town over rail about how the infidels were occupying Saudi Arabia.  This would begin a series of a chain reaction of events that would forever change the life of Abdul Isawi.  Isawi became not only a radical Moslem but also befriended the Imam who convinced Isawi to join al-Qaeda.  Isawi left his family behind and made his way to the camp which was outside Kabul, Afghanistan.  For the next few months, Isawi was not only trained with weapons, but with explosives as well until he first learned of the drug trade.  He knew that there was a lot of money to be made by harvesting drug crops such as heroin and opium.  Meanwhile his parents and two older brothers died due to a flu that raged its way throughout the Jalalabad area during the winter of 1997-1998.  It was then that Abdul Isawi inherited the farm that he had toiled at without making enough money to live on.  He immediately began to plant heroin as well as opium and practically overnight he went from living a life of poverty to one of opulence.  Isawi overnight became the wealthiest person in the Jalalabad region and he never forgot how and when his fortunes began to change.  He was known for making numerous donations to the mosque where he first converted to radical Islam, al-Qaeda as well as the Taliban.  Isawi also had numerous customers who were drug lords in Latin American countries such as Mexico, Columbia and Venezuela.  It was the drugs that were sold to those aforementioned drug lords that seeped its way into the United States and made millions of Americans into drug addicts.  Their craving for those drugs resulted in more sales of the heroin crops from Afghanistan.  It was the proceeds from the sale of drugs such as heroin and opium that were used to finance terrorist attacks against the United States as well as other western nations and Israel.  The drug business not only made Isawi very wealthy but the Taliban and al-Qaeda as well.  As a result, al-Qaeda now had another income stream that would finance terrorist attacks globally.  The plot that they are about to bring to fruition was financed by the drug trade. 



“What is the status of your readiness to strike if needed?” Chang Huang Dong the commander of the Chinese military asked his commander of the 10th Chinese Fleet which was stationed off the southeastern Chinese coast.  The 5’5” 140 pound sixty year old who was born in Beijing was a product of Mao’s Cultural Revolution.  His gray hair and piercing black eyes gave him an intimidating look about him.  He was in much better physical condition than most of his military counterparts.


“My men are as ready as they will ever be.” Sung Jin Liang replied “How soon would you like me to enact Operation Reunification?”  The fellow Beijing native stood 5’6” and weighed 150 pounds.  Although he was fifty five, he and Chang went back to their twenties when they served in the same battalion.  Chang took Sung under his wing and the two would go on to advance in the chain of command in the Chinese military to such high levels. 


“We have a spy who is well placed in the upper levels of the United States government.” Chang began “We have reason to believe that such an operation may commence within the next twenty four hours.”


“Very well then.” Sung responded “When would you like me to inform my men to become battle ready?”


“They must be informed as soon as this meeting comes to an end.” Chang ordered “Remember the pride of the Motherland hinges on how well we carry out this excursion.  Dismissed.”



     Meanwhile at another meeting inside a nuclear facility in a secluded area in the central part in North Korea, the head of the North Korean Atomic Commission was meeting with the North Korean Defense Minister.  Also present was the commander of the North Korean Military.  


“Are the missiles ready for use?” Defense Minister Hung Su Kim asked the head of the North Korean Atomic Commission Jang Nuan Do.


“Yes.” Jang began “An underground test of the Taepodong VII was successfully executed early this morning.”


“We will need you to carry out a nuclear launch within the next twenty four hours.” Hung ordered Jang who now looked not only shocked but had the look of someone who was about to realize his lifelong dream of striking South Korea and annexing it in the process.  Meanwhile Hung noticed the look on Commander Kim Song Park who was about to ask a question.  He then said to Kim “I know that you are about to ask about the American military presence at the 38th Parallel.  We will use one of the bombs on them as well.  Besides their government will not be able to respond to us anyways.”


“How so?” Kim inquired.


“We have an agent inside the upper levels of the United States government.  He has been working with us as well as the Chinese government in order to make sure that both our objectives are carried out successfully.” Hung noted “First have the soldiers and the weapons ready and second we must wait for the events in the United States to take place.  Trust me you will know when to carry out the operation.”



“The recount has now entered its seventeenth day with no end in sight.” the CNN reporter began “The Ohio, Pennsylvania, Florida, Arizona and West Virginia State Supreme Courts will be hearing arguments regarding the disputed votes.  As it stands, President Jeff Wolcott will be updating the nation this afternoon on the latest in the crisis.  Meanwhile his challenger Virginia Governor Dick Freeman has indicated that he will not back down on any challenges that he has made regarding the disputed votes.” as the screen now showed the fifty one year old Freeman state for the record “I am no Al Gore.  I will not back down until every last vote is counted.  My father died in Vietnam so every vote can be counted.  This is America; we must never surrender our democratic standards.”



“What do you think?” Hussein Ibrahim asked Saleh Bowadi.


“They are making it too easy for us.” Bowadi replied “These infidels are so incompetent.  They have not changed no matter what they claim.”  The skinny 5’5” Bowadi weighed not even 150 pounds and was clean shaven.  He shaved his mustache and beard before he and Ibrahim departed for the United States years earlier.   


“Soon they will have something else to talk about.  Maybe then they will realize that their idea of democracy is not such a good thing after all.” Ibrahim noted.   The 6’1” 180 pound man with jet back hair and tan skin was casually dressed just like Saleh in order to blend in with American society.  The two men in fact did everything they could so they would not stand out like a sore thumb.


“They will be in for one rude awakening before the day is over with.” Saleh said confidentially.


“That is an understatement my brother.” Hussein observed.  The two men were born in Saudi Arabia.  They had been interested in joining al-Qaeda since they were ten year olds.  After the September 11th attacks took place, their parents had filled their minds with anti-American beliefs for as long as they could remember.  They had long been incensed by the American troops who long overstayed their welcome after Operation Desert Storm.  All Hussein and Saleh could remember was the presence of the United States military.  They had learned not only from their parents but from their textbooks that the United States was obsessed with world domination as well as oil in the Middle East.  The two also learned that it was the United States desire to control all of the oil in the Middle East.  This was reinforced by the 2003 invasion of Iraq by the United States as well as the continued presence of the American military long after Saddam Hussein was toppled.  The two were taught that the Israeli Mossad and the CIA carried out the 9/11 attacks and not only framed al-Qaeda for the attacks, but used as an excuse to invade both Afghanistan as well as Iraq using it as a guise in order to control the oil in the Middle East.  Hussein, Saleh, their families as well as Saudi Arabia feared that the War on Terror was also a war to eradicate Islam.  This was also a feeling that was felt especially among the Wahhabi’s.  The Wahhabi’s are followers of Wahhabism which is a puritanical sect of Islam.  One that desires to teach Islam in the manner that it was revealed to the Prophet Mohammad in the early 600’s AD.  The Wahhabi revival became very evident during the siege of the Grand Mosque in Mecca back in November, 1979.  The Wahhabi’s claimed that the Mahdi who is the Islamic Messiah had come to usher in the last age of the world.  The siege lasted for a couple of weeks until French troops who were enlisted by the government of Saudi Arabia and converted to Islam in order to even enter Mecca would storm the Grand Mosque and end the takeover.  The takeover of the Grand Mosque had shaken Saudi Arabia to the core.  The nation was divided and the Saudi Government infused Wahhabi Islam in every area of Saudi Arabian life in order to bridge the gap between the divisions which threatened to tear the nation apart. 


     Hussein Ibrahim and Salah Bowadi both grew up together and immigrated to Afghanistan and were trained by al-Qaeda.  For years they learned the art of bomb making, surveillance, as well as being trained with machine guns and rocket launchers.  The men had desired to someday carry out a 9/11 style attack but on a much larger scale.  For the past few years since they were recruited for the Black Friday strike, they relocated to the United States and blended in with the rest of American Society while becoming law abiding citizens.  There was never as much as a peep or a traffic ticket from the two.  They made friends along the way while earning their trust among their circle of American friends.  It was this mindset that made them among the least threatening among the American public.  Their apartment was on the outskirts of Bethesda and had the look and décor of an apartment that would blend in with the other apartments in the area.  The more recent furniture coupled with displays of seashores and the occasional Monet replicas were on the walls of their apartment.  Also on the walls would be the occasional art house movie poster of a foreign movie which was mainly European or Latin American in nature.  Other than that the apartment had the look of one where they could be able to move out with relative ease should they have to relocate elsewhere.          



“I’m concerned that Cypress will be linked to this recount.” Dick Tilden began as he was also watching CNN.  He was aware that the voting machines that Cypress manufactured for the states whose votes were being disputed.


“Cypress is already linked to this recount.” Dan Merkel replied as he then continued “I hope that another company also manufactured the voting machines that have been linked to this fiasco.”


“I wish I could say that was the case.” Tilden noted.


“You mean there isn’t another company who manufactured the voting machines that have been linked to the disputed ballots in five states.” Merkel wondered aloud.


“That would be correct.” Tilden started as he then continued “Twenty states chose us to supply them with voting machines because of our integrity and now that is going to go by the wayside.  No one will want to do business with us!” the founder and Chief Financial Officer of Cypress exploded “This is beyond intolerable!  How is the internal investigation going?” he now demanded.


“We are looking into Gary Barton’s role in this mess.  We sent out someone to trail him in the months leading up to the recount.” Dan Merkel replied.


“What did you find out?” Tilden inquired.


“I am going to learn more this afternoon.” Merkel began “As soon I find out about Barton, you will be the first to know.”


“Please do not even think to call me between eleven and four this afternoon.” Tilden ordered “I will be testifying before that bi-partisan congressional committee that is investigating the disputed ballots.”


“In that case, please call me once you are done with testifying before the committee.” Merkel said as the conversation came to an end.  Cypress, Incorporated was formed at the height of the dotcom boom during the late 1990’s.  Cypress was the shortened name for Cyber Express which provided internet service to those who resided in the southern United States.  They gradually expanded to the southwestern United States as well as the Midwest and the Mid-Atlantic states.  Cypress would fail in its repeated attempts to successfully tap into the Northeast especially New England, the Plains states as well as the Pacific Northwest and the West Coast.  Despite these shortcomings, Cypress became a profitable niche company with its subscribers becoming not only the most loyal customers, but its most passionate ones at the same time.  They began to branch out into the voting machines after the controversial 2000 presidential recount.  Gradually Cypress began to market as well as sell voting machines while taking advantage of the recount as well as the need for new voting machines.



“I would like to sell 1,000,000 shares of Cypress and instead purchase 5,000,000 shares of Pan Arabian Oil.” Ishmael Younis began as he placed the call from his office in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia to his broker in Zurich, Switzerland.


“I will take care of it right now.” Hans Guibioso replied as he processed the transaction “I just found out that Cypress may have been involved in the voter tampering.”


“Same here.” Ishmael said as he continued “I think that Pan Arabian Oil would be the safer bet.  It is undervalued as it is compared to the other oil stocks that are out there.”


“Transaction done.” Hans stated as he then asked “Is there anything else I can help you with Sheikh Younis?”


“Not at this time.” Ishmael added as he then ended the call.  The fifty eight year Saudi investment broker first took advantage of the securities game while attending King Khalid University in the mid-1980’s.  He quickly showed that he had a knack for making one successful investment after another as he first invested in Saudi-owned businesses.  Soon after he branched out into Japanese-owned businesses.  He then invested heavily in the dotcom boom during the late 1990’s.  Each time he had a knack for pulling out of his investments at the right time.  Despite concentrating most of his investments in the Pacific Rim businesses as well as Indian and Chinese-owned corporations.  Ishmael also became a prominent investor not only in Cypress, but also in the off shore companies that both were fronts for the heroin and Opium fields for Afghanistan and the drug cartels in Mexico, Columbia and Venezuela.  Among his close friends in the Afghanistan drug trade included Khalid Isawi.  Ishmael now turned on Al-Jazeera and watched it for a little while and then he switched to CNN and proceeded to watch it for most of the afternoon knowing that he had begun to set off another round of events.  The first wave had already been completed.  It was the second wave that would lead to the third wave and ultimately the fourth wave.  The first wave took a while to complete and the final three would be completed within the next twenty four hours.



“Where do we stand?” Tim Lake asked Allan Bridges regarding the security at The Galleria.  The two men were in Bridges’ office inside the security area of the Galleria Mall.  Bridges only had papers on his grey metal desk which consisted of three drawers on the right side and a fourth in the middle of the desk.  The office only had displays which promoted the mall as well as security requirements as prescribed by law.  Bridges’ office was deliberately devoid of pictures as well as any other effects that would identify him to those who ran amok of mall policy or allegedly ran amok of mall policy.  This would not only protect Bridges from retaliation by any disgruntled individual or individuals who visited the office, but Bridges’ family as well as his friends would be protected from any reprisals which may be carried out against Bridges and the other security personnel. 


“We have our men prepared and every security apparatus in place.” Bridges the heard of the Galleria security force responded.  He had blond hair and blue eyes.  He stood 6’0’ and weighed 200 pounds. 


“I am concerned about one thing.” Lake began.  The manager of the Galleria proceeded to continue on “There has been an increase in the presence of Arab looking individuals here in the past month.  That presence has only increased in the past week.”  Lake was 6’5’ and weighed 250 pounds.  His wavy white hair and mustache helped give him an air of toughness while remaining fair as well as very open minded. 


“What are you driving at.” Bridges asked.  His demeanor tended to be lackadaisical at best on occasion.


“How prepared are you should there be a Westgate Mall-style attack?” Lake inquired cautiously in reference to the September 2013 terrorist attack in Nairobi, Kenya by al-Shabab.  The aforementioned terrorist group was an offshoot of al-Qaeda.


 “As prepared as we can be.” Bridges stated.


“That means you aren’t prepared enough are you.” Lake surmised.


“We have armed guards.” Bridges said.


“How many?” Lake inquired as his patience was being tested.


“Ten to fifteen.” Bridges responded.


“I’m afraid that that is not good enough.  I must enlist the sheriff’s department to have some more officers ready.” Lake acknowledged.  The Galleria Mall stood on a huge area of land which was previously a forest up until Colonial times.  Through the years farms stood where the wooded area once dominated pre-colonial America.  Then the farming industry suffered a gradual decline until the 1980’s where the farms were abandoned since the families had either died off or went into another line of work.  During the economic boom of the 1980’s the land was bought by a developer who envisioned a shopping mall that would become the hub of business in the Southern Maryland-Northern Virginia-Washington, DC area.  Once the Galleria Mall was construction and opened for business on October, 19 1987 it had suffered from a financial setback especially since the mall opened for business on the same day that the stock market crashed.  It would take eight years and a change in ownership before the mall would begin to turn a profit.  The new owners began a series of expansion projects in the late-1990’s while capitalizing on the dotcom boom in the U.S. economy.  During the recessions of the early as well as the late 2000’s, the Galleria Mall continued to turn a consistent as well as an expanding profit annually while expanding and adding new stores that were not only cutting edge, but would be able to successfully cater to their clientele in the region.  The Galleria’s owners opened a series of malls in the Mid-Atlantic States that would consistently follow the business model that made the Galleria a phenomenal success.  Although none of the malls were as successful as the Galleria, they would turn a consistent profit that increased annually.  It was the owners of the Galleria that had the business savvy to be able to tap into the mindsets of the clientele in the regions that they opened their malls in and were able to make their respective malls a success at the same time.  It was the Holiday shopping seasons that made the owners of the Galleria and other shopping malls in the region the most successful shopping mall developers in the United States.    



     Ohio Secretary of State Eric Watson was tossing and turning in his bed.  He was nervous about the hearing that was to take place only hours from now.  It was one that would set the tone for the possible expedient resolution to the allegations of voter fraud in Ohio.  He was wondering how his counterparts in the other states were holding up this evening.  Were they concerned that their states would also be found guilty of voter fraud?  All these states whose GOP votes were being disputed all because of allegations of voter tampering.  This is a lot worse than the 2000 Presidential Recount.  Would the Republican Party be forever known as the party that hijacks presidential elections in their favor when their candidate does not win fair and square? 


“Honey, try to get some sleep.” Donna Watson said to her husband.


“How can I know that I may be wrongly implicated in voter tampering?” Eric replied.  Watson’s brown hair, blue eyes and clean cut movie star good looks gave many an indication at first glance that he was in the wrong line of work.  He usually wore dark suits which fit professionally well and had a tendency to wear a white dress shirt with a sequence of multi-colored ties which gave him a look of someone who seemed very happy in life.


“Look, I know that the votes were cast honestly.  You know that they were cast honestly.  God knows that they were cast honestly.” Donna said as she drew on their Christian beliefs.  Donna also had the look of an actress.  Both Watson’s were named sexiest political couple.  She worked as a trustee for the Columbus City Council.  She would be up for re-election within the next year.  Her dark pantsuits and light color shirts were professionally appropriate.  The couple had been married for almost twenty years despite being in their early forties.  They were childless and too busy to even have children for that matter.


“Will the American people feel the same way?  That is what I want to know.” Eric added.


“Believe me, we are not a nation that resorts to voter tampering.”  Donna said confidentially.


 “Tell that to Katherine Harris.” Eric added in reference to the Florida Secretary of State back in 2000 “We haven’t heard from her since.”  The Watson residence was in an affluent neighborhood in Columbus, Ohio.  Their marble tables and post-Victorian chairs as well as the top of the line oak bookshelves and wooden floors along with the carpets that were brought in from the Orient made the house a throwback to the turn of the nineteenth to twentieth centuries.  The book collection on the maple shelves has been a family heirloom which dates back to the early 1600’s.  Authors ranging from Plutarch, Plato and Aristotle right up to Tom Clancy, Robert Ludlum, John LeCarre, Vince Flynn, Brad Thor as well as Joel C. Rosenberg are placed in order of the date of publication throughout the eighteen shelf reading room in which a marble desk and a reclining chair dated back to the antebellum period.