Thursday, November 26, 2015

Parallels between my novel Black Friday and November 2015

I usually would not make this kind of entry, but given the climate I have decided to do so. When I first wrote my first published novel "Black Friday" in November 2012, I wrote about a terror plot against the nation's malls on the day after Thanksgiving. Fast forward to November 2015 where some of the storylines in "Black Friday" seem to be playing out in real life.  Here they are:

1.  In Black Friday, a presidential campaign was the talk of the nation.

In November 2015, the 2016 Presidential Campaign is the talk of the nation.

2. In Black Friday, the president came across as having no interest in the War on Terror.

In November 2015, there seems to be a growing sentiment among groups of Americans that President Obama has come across as having no in protecting the US against ISIS.

3. In Black Friday, the Chicago Bears played the Green Bay Packers in the Thanksgiving Night game.

In November 2015 , the Chicago Bears are playing the Green Bay Packers in the Thanksgiving Night game.

4. In Black Friday, there is a plot to attack the nation's malls on the day after Thanksgiving.

In November 2015, tomorrow is the day after Thanksgiving. My concern is that if there was ever a year that a plot to attack the nation's malls could materialize, then this would very likely be the year that it happens.  I pray to God that with the recent attacks against  Mali, Paris and Russia that we are able to do something before it's too late. With the recent escalations when it comes to ISIS carrying out their plan for a global caliphate it frightens me that they will go to such extremes to make it happen. Although there is no credible threat known out there I urge everyone to remain vigilant and to do their part to keep America safe.


Happy Thanksgiving!!!

I would like to take a moment to wish everyone a safe and very Happy Thanksgiving!  Let's take a moment to reflect on the Pilgrims who came here in the Seventeeth Century.  Without them not only would we not have Thanksgiving Day to celebrate, but also the United States of America would not have come to be.  Other than that enjoy your turkey, ham, and football!


Monday, November 23, 2015

Now it gets real...

US issues rare global travel alert over terror threats -

The terror threat is so strong that the US has issued a global travel alert that expires on February 24, 2016. With the recent attacks against France, Mali and Russia this is a good idea, but ending the alert on that date? Not a bright idea. The only thing that has stunned me about this alert is why hasn't it been in effect since September 11, 2001. I'm sure that a lot of people if not everyone has asked that very question.

With the concerns about an impending terrorist attack, I agree with the issuing of the alert. My other concern is what happens after it's lifted. Is this when ISIS/al-Qaeda/al-Shabaab  (yes I believe that they are all one and the same group who pretended to split up so they can play us like a game of chess) decides to attack us non-stop? What those who are running the Department of Homeland Security and the other boneheads who made this decision should've done was to keep the travel alert indefinite and not announce when it will be lifted in order to keep all Americans safe. Are we asking for trouble? I would say yes because it could become open season on the USA...


Monday, November 16, 2015

I'm not surprised about this at all. It was only a matter of when.

Well, well, looks like Public Enemy Number 1 has now threatened our nation's capital. We better have our Homeland Security apparatus at full blast and fast. The scum of the earth has just threatened to go Paris and Mumbai on Washington, DC. For all we know it could be a diversion and the real target would be New York or Los Angeles. Regardless we must not mess around right now with ISIS. After what we witnessed in Paris, the punks mean business. Therefore we must mean business in return and mow down the ISIS hoodlums once and for all. France has the right idea and mow down ISIS Headquarters and Raaqa in general. That's some serious sack for France and the world must give France some serious props for laying down the law Hollywood style!


A new and disturbing way for terrorists to communicate with one another.

Leave it to the terrorists to find new and unique ways to communicate with one another and to carry out attacks. If this doesn't give a new meaning to diabolical, then I don't know what does. Even the popular Play Station 4 is now being dragged into the M.O. of terrorists. This now gives Play Station the publicity that it never needed to have. This leads me to my next question. If terrorists can use something as innocent as Play Station then what's next or what other methods have they been using that the rest of us have yet to find out?


France is laying down the law when it comes to fighting ISIS

     Since Friday night's terrroist attacks in Paris, French police have carried out the law enforcement equivalent of a full court press against ISIS. France's all-out efforts have included over 150 raids that were conducted against suspected Islamists. One of the raids that took place in Lyon netted a rocket launcher.
     The French military has even conducted a full scale bombing campaign in Raaqa which is the so-called captial of ISIS. Sunday's bombings included ISIS Headquarters. This shows a clear all-in strategy that France has instituted whrn it comes to fighting ISIS. Now if every nation that was attacked by terrrorists would utilize this strategy then it would prove to be a deterrent for potential terrorists who would like to carry out an attack.


Sunday, November 15, 2015

More on the ISIS endgame

After reading this article, it was a no brainer for me to share and comment on it. Yes I'm convinced that the ISIS endgame is underway by this radical shift in their strategy when it comes to carrying out attacks in Europe and Africa. As I mentioned in my previous post, I discussed the attacks against Russia, Beirut and Paris as the first storm.  This article coulpled with my take on the first storm and my theory about al-Qaeda/ISIS/al-Shabaab being one and the same continues to prove that they are trying to confuse us in every way possible.

     We must not fall for this tactic while we must be on guard for any efforts to attack us by the al-Qaeda/ISIS/al-Shabaab enemy. This is why this may not be the last of the strategy shifts after all.

ISIS beginning to take their plans to the next level

When I read the article in The New York Times which said "ISIS calls bloodshed 'First of the Storm'" the impression that I got was that the downing of the Russian Airliner over Egypt, the attacks in Beirut and Friday night's attacks in Paris have become the opening paragraphs in the newest chapter in ISIS' playbook to establish a global caliphate. This falls in line with the multi-phase plan for Radical Islam to wage war with the West. It looks like the last phase of the radical Islamic plan to take over the west and establish a global caliphate may have begun only a few months earlier than they had planned.

     This last phase of the plan calls for the final battle with the west. This phase is scheduled to take place from 2016-2020. The other phases have taking place as planned within the scheduled time frames for each phase to have begun and then completed by. To me this indicates that the ISIS endgame is now underway. They will not stop until the ISIS Caliphate encompasses the entire world that will go from Dar es Jihad aka World of War to Dar es Salaam aka World of Peace.

     This yet leads to reintroducing another theory that I shared a while back. It was one orginiated by CNN's Faheed Zakaria that claimed al-Qaeda, ISIS and al-Shabaab as well as the other al-Qaeda-esque groups are one and the same. They followed an order by Osama bin Laden to play psychological warfare with us. This was done to confuse us. Well some of us are no longer falling for that trick. Count me among those who will no longer be played like a game of chess. Yes I'm quoting a verse from The Fugees on this very Sunday morning. That multi-phase plan for the global jihad that they have been waging against us was first discovered when al-Qaeda terrorists were busted and this was found on the laptops that were confiscated. Now ISIS/al-Qaeda is executing the last phase of this plan. They must be stopped as once.


Friday, November 13, 2015

The scene that I wrote of Off the Grid, Under the Radar that I wrote on November 2, 2015

Here is an excerpt from Off the Grid, Under the Radar that has now become prophetic in real life. May I take the time to let everyone know that I wrote this scene on November 2 of this year as part of my National Novel Writer's Month project. I have never shown this to anyone until now. I would like to take a moment to pray for the victim's of tonight's attack in Paris. I urge everyone else to do the same.

Scene from the current novel Off the Grid, Under the Radar that Ihave yet to finish turns into a real life news event within the past half hour

Paris shootings: Casualties in city centre and explosion at Stade de France -

A scene from Off the Grid, Under the Radar where a series of shootings and explosions take place in Europe, North America, Israel and Australia has just went down in real life in Paris. What strikes me about this is that one of the cities that this happened in Off the Grid, Under the radar occured in Paris. Now rhe real life incident in Paris that I just found out about moments ago has left me shaken up.

     This now marks that third time that I have either written or published a novel in which a scene or scenes became prophectic in real life. The other two novels in which this occurred wad Black Friday where I wrote about a terrorist attack at a mall became real when the Westgate Mall in Kenya was attacked while I was editing Black Friday almost two weeks before it was published. In Deception, I wrote about many Middle Easterners immigrating to the United States as part of a plot to turn the United States and other European nations into Islamic States under the fictional Mecca Caliphate. In another fact regarding Deception, I wrote about the fictional Mecca caliphate in the months leading up to the offical arrival of ISIS to the world scene. While Deception was being edited, ISIS was declared a caliphate.
     These factors alone have made question whether I have a knack for events in my novels becoming real life events like the ones that Tom Clancy and Joel C. Rosenberg have written about.
