Sunday, November 15, 2015

ISIS beginning to take their plans to the next level

When I read the article in The New York Times which said "ISIS calls bloodshed 'First of the Storm'" the impression that I got was that the downing of the Russian Airliner over Egypt, the attacks in Beirut and Friday night's attacks in Paris have become the opening paragraphs in the newest chapter in ISIS' playbook to establish a global caliphate. This falls in line with the multi-phase plan for Radical Islam to wage war with the West. It looks like the last phase of the radical Islamic plan to take over the west and establish a global caliphate may have begun only a few months earlier than they had planned.

     This last phase of the plan calls for the final battle with the west. This phase is scheduled to take place from 2016-2020. The other phases have taking place as planned within the scheduled time frames for each phase to have begun and then completed by. To me this indicates that the ISIS endgame is now underway. They will not stop until the ISIS Caliphate encompasses the entire world that will go from Dar es Jihad aka World of War to Dar es Salaam aka World of Peace.

     This yet leads to reintroducing another theory that I shared a while back. It was one orginiated by CNN's Faheed Zakaria that claimed al-Qaeda, ISIS and al-Shabaab as well as the other al-Qaeda-esque groups are one and the same. They followed an order by Osama bin Laden to play psychological warfare with us. This was done to confuse us. Well some of us are no longer falling for that trick. Count me among those who will no longer be played like a game of chess. Yes I'm quoting a verse from The Fugees on this very Sunday morning. That multi-phase plan for the global jihad that they have been waging against us was first discovered when al-Qaeda terrorists were busted and this was found on the laptops that were confiscated. Now ISIS/al-Qaeda is executing the last phase of this plan. They must be stopped as once.


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